The reason is that I inadvertently pressed the hint in the upper left corner and when I returned to the game, I found that the door was closed and I could even stand in front of the enemy, so I got this record.
NEW ROUTE!!! NO Death glitch
Sub1 route is no death glitch
I found a new route @Blazer_AG @Gumakk @t300850
@Gumakk (`・ω・´)
What's wrong @Blazer_AG
Come on, genius. @t300850
you can try it @t300850
I will do my best.
I want to imitate the route of the PC version, so that it can be 100% Sub3 @Gumakk
I didn't make a video.@Gumakk
Ranked first with you again! Happy, happy, happy, @t300850
But I can only see 16 seconds on the leaderboard
cool dude (`・ω・´) @t300850
Will you return to the metel mobile version of Speed Run? @t300850
Is there any way for the mobile version (`・ω・´) @t300850
How is this route done? Isn't the password in the safe random?