主题: SkyGunner
jquestionmark24 days ago

There's an answer to this in the discord, but just so it's available for folks to see here as well: yes!

jquestionmark3 years ago

Oh my, those certainly seem like they have the potential to break the run if the right applications are found. I wonder if it's worth making a board prior to folks asking for it. I know it was just discovered, but the potential of that tech might make it worth it to set it up now. Personally, I'll be learning the run as it was when the guide went up and seeing about incorporating stuff like that afterwards. I'd rather get the fundamentals down before I dive deep into warping about out of bounds, haha.

A 3 levels/character category would be fascinating to see. Would make for some very interesting picking and choosing of who to use where for a best overall route.

jquestionmark3 years ago

I'm still very much learning this run, and it'll be a while before I submit a run to this, but since it's quiet around here, I might as well toss in two cents on these questions:

  1. The 164 frames/2.73 seconds sounds sensible to me.

  2. I worry about any emulator that's consistently doing something that should be random - it makes me wonder what other parts of the run are going to be impacted by significant differences between hardware and emulator. Might be worth checking in with other communities if there are ideal emulators. I know Fusion is generally quite solid, as is Bizhawk.

  3. I think the best reason for splitting the boards would be a trick that's especially hard to execute and may turn people off to the run/differs significantly from the run as it works now as Any%. I don't know that there's any need to do that right now? but as I'm still partway through learning, I'm not the best to ask.

For Magneto, I think the easiest answer is to just allow any character until Magneto is obtained, and then only Magneto is allowed. Keeps it simple and more consistent with all of the other character categories. I'm really excited to learn this and start branching out into the various characters. One of the other games I run has one or two viable characters, so running it gets stale after a bit. I made up a new category that requires using each character at least once to re-inject some variety into the run. I think each character getting their own category will help reduce the pretty much always Nightcrawler nature of the run.

(Unrelated, thank you so much for the guide! I've been meaning to learn this game for ages, and having a clear guide has lowered the difficulty of starting enough to finally get me learning it.)

jquestionmark5 years ago

This sounds like an excellent idea. I think stopping the timer at the chamber but the Ganon verification being required works well - it detaches the time from the global timer, but doesn't remove the final boss fight from the game (and the need to plan for it). Also, that fight is kind of obnoxious, I don't think anyone is going to mind the time it takes not counting against them, haha.

I've added you as a mod on here, and I'm happy to leave the specifics of the category up to you. If there's anything you want a second opinion on, just let me know.

jquestionmark5 years ago

Absolutely! The categories right now are very much just what I thought would make sense/eventually want to run. If there are categories for this that people want to do and aren't listed, I would love to add them!

jquestionmark6 years ago

It's honestly more fun than annoying to play. I recommend at least trying it out - it's pretty hilarious. The Extra Option menu just allows for large and dream versus. If only there was a small mode, that would be pretty wild. The method to unlock it is: on the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down, Down. You should hear a jingle play, and the new menu will appear on the main menu once you hit start. If you want to use it to practice stages, hit 1 (or 2, I don't remember for sure) on the stage select. If you set the stage select and exit out of the Extra Option menu, it does nothing.

jquestionmark6 years ago

I don't know if you want this to be a real category, but here is something for everyone's entertainment:

Believe it or not, it actually will require different strats than a normal Easy run to be optimized - there are some serious hitbox issues that need to be accounted for to have optimal combat.

jquestionmark6 years ago

Makes sense. It's also a really nice way to track the best times for each fight, which is always fun to see. Gives you a good idea of the truly best possible scenario for an overall run.

jquestionmark6 years ago

No worries about the verification speed. You responded quickly when I pinged you, which I really appreciate. You definitely don't need to apologize for life getting busy, it is certainly a thing that happens.

I didn't realize you were setting the IL stats from the runs. That is wild. Please don't feel any pressure to update those - it would be cool to see but college should be a much bigger priority.

If you need help with another moderator to verify runs, I'm on here a lot more than I should be, so feel free to hit me up for that. These runs are mercifully short (which is part of why I run them, ha).

jquestionmark6 years ago

I practiced a fair bit. I really like the other GG power rangers game, so I play/run it a lot to wind down in the evening. A lot of my skills on that one applied to this one as well. The Hard mode on this one is a lot more brutal with the limited continues. I mean wow, that was a rough fight against the final boss.

Tyadran 喜欢这个
jquestionmark6 years ago

I know it's possible to execute a super move once the lightning bolt is flashing. Trouble is, I haven't been able to sort out how. Anyone have any insight?

jquestionmark6 years ago

Awesome! That's exciting. That is quite the solid improvement. Happy I could help.

jquestionmark6 years ago

I have a run in the 14 minute range that I didn't feel like uploading. I'm almost done with school, then this game is one of the top ones on my list to work on. The top times on this one seem pretty competitive, it'll be fun to work on this one soon.

jquestionmark6 years ago

Definitely. I was getting a lot of bad inputs when I was sliding from down to forward (not doing the special, jumping on accident). Taking the time to do discrete presses works so much better.

jquestionmark6 years ago

I just started running the regular power rangers GG game, and you're dead on- it's a mortal kombat style down,forward rather than a act input. In a few of my vods it's really obvious, you can see the character crouch then attack (I'm pretty slow on my inputs sometimes). I'm at an event this weekend and have a ton of school work to do, but I'd be happy to play around with some TAS tools to see what the frame windows are on the inputs to do special moves. Once I have more free time, anyways.

主题: The Site
jquestionmark6 years ago

Hello, the current mod on https://www.speedrun.com/mighty_morphin_power_rangers_gg has been off for about 3 weeks and I cannot reach them via social media (DMs are blocked). I checked in with one of the power rangers / super sentai series moderators and they directed me here.

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
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