New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz26 days ago

I played around a bit with the auto splitter for aom EE. It was far from perfect, but was nice for some levels. I plan to develop one soon-ish for retold.

It can be a bit tricky because it can technically be more accurate because you have access to the milliseconds of the timer, so it can be off by a second or so because of rounding issues and how we have to time it based on the visible timer. Anyway, I’ll try to get to this sooner rather than later and then everyone can just access it directly from LiveSplit :)

Berix, Sarsart, Radgryd 喜欢这个
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz26 days ago

Please make sure the difficulty is display in the top right, you can do this by pressing F11 while in game.

I deduced that this is indeed Titan because the enemy infantry has heavy upgrades (on Hard they only have medium)

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz2 months ago

Wow, this one looks really fun!

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz3 months ago

Edited the time from 5:55 to 5:59. The in game time is the end display time (when it says "you are victorious") minus the start display time (0:36 - 6:35 for this run)

Nice run, welcome!

Maxi_Blair 喜欢这个
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Inspired by https://www.speedrun.com/aom/runs/y6v45n0m

Right now, the official rules are pretty vague. User.con can be used for some things that I assume we'd all consider cheating, but banning all edits to user.con is probably just annoying to runners. So I think there is some gray area that we should probably explicitly define in the rules.

I think hotkeys can fall into 4 categories:

  1. Hotkeys that are available/editable in the settings UI.
  2. Hotkeys that can only be hotkeyed through editing files like user.con, but are otherwise actions that you can do through the in game UI (note this isn't the same between EE & TT. e.g. autoqueue! I'm sure at least one run already uses this.)
  3. Hotkeys that can only be hotkeyed through user.con, and are not possible through the game UI. examples: "uiSummonWorkersToSelectedUnit" (I believe this is possible in game UI for titan gates & wonders, but can apparently be called on anything?); setting a gather point from your pharoah for animals of Set
  4. Hotkeys that perform multiple actions, e.g. select the dig site & call villagers to it in one key press. (spam that at the beginning of the cut scene?!?) Theoretically, you could probably script an entire level into a single key press with infinite APM? This might be non-trivial to define though...there are some common "find" & "train" hotkeys that technically perform multiple actions, but only one succeeds/persists. e.g. many people define a "train age2 myth unit" hotkey that tries to train each myth unit individually, which is technically multiple actions/commands.

I think my gut reaction is that 1, 2, and 3 are fine. I could see both sides on 3 though. I suspect no one wants 4, with some common sense applied for the edge cases mentioned.

Berix 喜欢这个
通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Gonna use this opportunity to start a discussion on user.con :) -- I think my current take is that this should continue to be allowed, but we need some limits of what you can put in user.con.

Berix 喜欢这个
通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

edited to 4min 46sec (0:51 - 5:37)

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

edited to 3min 21sec (0:30 - 3:51)

Berix 喜欢这个
通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

edited to 8min 49sec (1:02 - 9:51)

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

edited to 4 seconds. 1:02 - 1:06

Berix 喜欢这个
通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

edited to 9 seconds: 0:53 - 1:02

Berix 喜欢这个
通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Edited to 2:06 (0:53 - 2:59)

Agreed this one is tiring to me too

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

I edited the time here -- looks like the autosplitter is off a bit. 7:13 - 0:51 = 6:22

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz4 months ago

Heads up I edited the times here -- the In-Game Time should be the end time displayed at the top minus the start time displayed at the top. So here thats 7:46 - 0:51.

Nice run though! I don't know if I've seen anyone do garrison micro to get more dps out of the towers before.

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz6 months ago

lmao this is the funniest run yet. Compare it to https://www.speedrun.com/aom/runs/yjo63edz and it so beautifully illustrates the weaknesses of the current timing rules.

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz6 months ago

Editing this to a 0:48 -- IGT starts at 0:53 and ends at 1:41

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz6 months ago

Looks like a 0:48 unfortunately :/ Starts at 0:53 IGT and there are a couple frames of 1:41 IGT without "You are Victorious"

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz7 months ago

I haven’t solved this mystery about why Oracle is only sometimes available, but another hint for someone who wants to figure it out:

In Good Advice, the trigger that grants you god powers doesn't get executed if you skip the cinematic too fast. Something similar could be happening here? But I couldn’t figure it out exactly

You can see this in my run:

New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz7 months ago


This is a more general RTS speed run discord, with an AOE channel

通关记录: Age of Mythology
New York City, NY, USAjoeybadz7 months ago

In settings there's an option for "One click garrison" so you could just right click on the town center to garrison units. Otherwise, I think the default hot key is alt + right click to garrison.

I'd recommend the town bell hot key though, which I think is B by default. "Return to work" might be R or B by default, I forget. But once you have that setup how you like, it'd look something like:

  1. Select town center (h)
  2. Town bell (b)
  3. Set gather point on tree
  4. Return to work (b)

I've heard hot keys for god powers are possible but not through the UI, you'd have to edit you user.con or game.con file I think. There could be an argument for/against the legality of that...but if I remember right, autoqueue hot key is in the same boat on AOT? Theoretically there are some real nasty things you can do in game.con that probably shouldn't be legal, but I also don't think that god power hot keys are that big of a deal

Berix 喜欢这个
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