I was surprised by the addition of the rule banning glitches. Will that erase some of the current leaderboard records? Or will they be split into glitchless and glitched?
More precisely, it is this. You can always get there within these four JUMPs.
- jump and hit the ceiling
- jump and hit the ceiling
- go down one step
- go up one step
- jump and hit the ceiling
Click here for video
I learned this strategy about 18 years ago on some website, but that website is already closed.
However, there is no difference in strategy between NES and FC when trying to set the fastest record. Perhaps the distinction between FC and NES should be treated as just a variable. Thanks for your consideration.
In the FC version, there is a glitch to earn coins on the title screen, but not in the NES version. I believe they should be distinguished.
OK I did it. BTW do you play Challenger? ;)
hello. please add me as moderator to this game. https://www.speedrun.com/psycho_dream
when i contact to the moderator, he/she said he/she will never visit this site again. https://twitter.com/Ryan_JXS/status/1368000401069465601
@Liv now the mod is doesn't get around to being online after 21 days. Last online: 3 weeks ago
@Liv yes, i sent message on this site to moderator 6 days ago but there are no response. and he/she has no sns account.
Hello, it's been 3 weeks since I submitted a request for records to https://www.speedrun.com/esper_boukentai and it's not approved. The moderator haven't been online for two weeks. Can I be a moderator?