Hey ! I've received some messages to (new) players don't understand why the firsts places in Any% solo played as "coop", so, yeah, at the first look, it's hard to understand it's an 1 player 2 controller run, and this can be kinda disheartening to (new) people to learn the game.
SO, I've created variable for any% solo : 1 controller or 2 controllers Rules are like it sounds :
- for Any% Solo 1 controller, you have no right to use the 2nd controller to play an 2nd character
- for Any% Solo 2 controller, you CAN use the 2nd controller to play an 2nd character (as soon as you stay solo)
I aslo add variable for difficulty, it's more "aesthetic" on the leaderboard, keep the easy/hard differences, and add the "normal" difficulty if someone want to run it !
I wait your feedback (especially if you want to help me to write "better" rules (with better english than mine =D))
Hey Guys, I've found a "new" way to go in the airlock at the very end of Tau Inside's chapter !
That was on derust, impossible to setup the lean to active the door from inside, so, I said "Fuck it, i just run inside" and actually work... https://go.twitch.tv/videos/200101712
Hey guys ! I Think I've found a new way to skip the Male Ward ! (PC version)
Sometimes, I've failed the "actual strat", so, I've looking for a new way to do it, and, this is what i've found :
I think it can save 5 secondes (the setup is really easy to do it ! Follow the "right wall", in the corner, align the 2 floors, stay looking the "ground" and mash jump.) 100% succes for me ! (Resolution : 1920x1080 windowed, very low setting) Sorry for my english, not my native language, and I'm tired ^^