I am waiting for about 2 months to be my speedrun in "The Burgle Cats" verified.
So I checked the moderator of that game, There is only 1 moderator: Jubilee. And he was last online 10 months ago.
so please moderators.. do something with him... or add a new moderator... (I can be the one)
I want to change the leaderboard of dumb ways to die 2 cuz they are afwoul. Cant understand anything and No one speedruns it because of that
I Just wanted to ask if unlimited money/coins are allowed (coz upgrading needs a lot of time)
All frames where the game is seen, need to be retimed if the game was crashed retiming will be started at the first frame when the game is shown (not logo)
and this retimer need to be used: https://somewes.com/frame-count/
I updated speedrun.com's helix jump Page
I addend some new categories for new versions (1-10 1-20 1-50 1-100 all for (4.2.0+))
I also added Levels from 1 to 50 (and will add more in future)
And From This moments Versions are required to be Indicated
from now emulators are avalible too.