
We made a new dedicated speedrunning Discord server!

Hop in if you got any questions about the game or if you wanna keep an eye on the CC speedruning stuff. You can find guides, keep track of new notable runs, advertise your Castle Crashers streams and much more.

If you do not have a Discord account, you can make one at https://discord.com and then join the server by clicking this link: https://discord.gg/umHTwVKGY7

See you there!

Jabub CrimsonCurve700 喜欢这个
通关记录: Castle Crashers

Character unlock skip - if you unlocked a new character and did not level up then you can press buttons in a specific way to travel to a locked level on the world map. You need to exit to map and while exiting hold the default movement button and then when the character unlock screen appears you need to release that and hold your movement button. Example on how to skip from barb boss to Ship (Let's assume I am playing on keyboard and have movement bound to WASD):

  1. Make sure to invest all of your points and don't level up during the level so that the level up menu doesn't come up when you quit to map
  2. Kiss the princess and press the right arrow button
  3. When the screen with the Gray Knight unlock appears - release right arrow key and start holding D

In my case I have arrow keys for movement so I just have to repress the right arrow. On controllers you would do it with D-Pad.

Off the top of my head, the most useful skips are:

  • Barb Boss > Thieves' Forest - up, up
  • Barb Boss > Pirate Ship - right, right
  • Alien Ship > Marsh - up, up (exit to map at Desert Chase)
  • Anywhere > Insane Mode - light attack, down (holding light attack while exiting to map from anywhere will send you to home castle and from there if you use the glitch you can travel onto the insane mode tile if you hold down and activate it, permanently unlocking insane mode before beating normal mode on that character)
通关记录: Castle Crashers

This category requires you to make a special save file specifically for this category with those characters locked. And if you fail somewhere past Barb boss you also have to quit the game and replace the steam save file to reset. The category is so fun that it's totally worth it tho.

AyeEye42 Thatchbro 喜欢这个
5 years ago
20 days ago
Castle Crashers
Castle Crashers
最近一次游戏记录 1 year ago
Castle Crashers
Castle Crashers
最近一次访问时间 20 days ago