United StatesTOGTNK2 years ago

Yeah, I don't like the area complete and loading times being a part of the ending time because there's just nothing you can do about that time. It's not a fun or engaging piece of the game that you can actively lower your time doing. It's just food for thought, since most of 1-0 is timed anyway and you're not getting out of there below 4:22:xx in any circumstance.

The flamethrower guy and the gatling gunners are the worst nightmares. I'm thinking of changing from Head Start (Gum) to Invisible for the whole run, specifically for the accuracy drop on those two.

Yeah, I totally forgot the Injection gun had those different modes. I also forgot that it debuffs enemies if you shoot it at them, so that might play a massive part in certain bosses like 2-3.

通关记录: Lost Planet 2
United StatesTOGTNK2 years ago

Loadout: Gun Sword SP Gold Revolver Plasma Gun SP Hand Cannon SP Injection Gun

Buster Grenade Spark Grenade Disk Grenade 3 Dummy Grenade 3 Plasma Grenade 3

Quick Return Head Start (Gum)

United StatesTOGTNK2 years ago

I just feel like IGT would be a lower barrier of entry for console, if anyone wanted to do console. Because then loads wouldn't matter, it'd just be the gameplay, but 1-0 kinda messes with that because it doesn't have a screen that shows IGT.

But as for the strats, I have been testing some of the strats I checked out, particularly the first part of 2-2, as that's by far the most inconsistent part for me. Haven't really given myself time to check things out other than Episode 1 and 2-2, unfortunately.

Thanks for the compliment about the run! Even that run has about 8 minutes to save just in execution alone, so new strats should help that move along even lower. Also, I just realized I didn't put my loadouts in anything I did, so I should probably fix that?

United StatesTOGTNK2 years ago

Is there any particular reason (that isn't 1-0) we use RTA and not IGT, or is it just 1-0?

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Lost Planet 2
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Lost Planet 2
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Lost Planet 2
Lost Planet 2
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