Their is an Old and New Version. How do I know what version I am using for the game? I do want to know? Cause, I want to try both of them.
I tried downloading the Bios Files and the Game Files. But, it shows as it says Virus Detected. And, I cannot download it. I don't know how to fix that problem right there.
Is this a Flash Game that I have to play? And, I need a Flash Player to play this game?
I have 1 side a Live Split in a Window Capture on OBS. And, the other one is the same with the 1st Option. And, I want the 2nd Option that is not Transparent gone. I don't want to see it. But, I want to keep the Transparent Splits and that is it. I don't want the Non Transparent Splits on my screen. For, Need For Speed: Underground. I am trying to do an Any% run and it is going to be annoying.
I know where to find the ClownJob Mod. But, I do want to know where to find a Download Link for this game. So, I can give this game a try sometime in the future. That would be amazing. I would want to try this game sometime in the future.
This is the PC Version of the game. If, anyone wants to play the game more Smoother and more Cleaner. This is the way to go. And, here you go @KeiKayGaming This is for you right here. This is a copy of the game that will run a lot more smoother and more cleaner.
I found the Nerf Test Range 360. Is that the same game or no? Plus, I cannot seem to play it. Cause, it is not accessing my inputs on my Keyboard or Mouse. And, I don't know what is going on. I want to get this done sometime and be on the leaderboard sometime in the future. If anyone knows how to fix this or help me. That would be much appreciated.
What is the difference between the New and the Old Version. I cannot tell which is which. Cause, I want to try to get some PB's or WR's on this game sometime in the future. If anyone can tell me. That would be appreciated.
Do we have to use 10 Laps for Speedrunning? Or, can we use any amount of laps? I just want to know. Cause, I want to download this game and get some Speedruns done on this game!
Which is better at running this game? Cause, I am wanting to try out this game sometime in the future. But, I don't know what is the better Emulator for this game right here?
I have been trying to get different Themes for OBS Studio in 2024. But, it is not allowing me to get them in the OBS Settings. I have download a few of them and put them in the folder that they are supposed to be in. And, it does not work. It does not show the download themes that I downloaded and put in the folder that is supposed to be in for OBS Themes.
I may want to play this game sometime in the future. So, if there is someone that runs this game. Can you add IL Runs if that is possible? I do want to try this game out sometime. If there is anyway that someone can add some IL Runs to this game. I would be more then ready to try to play this game and get some WR's on here.
There is a Stage 3 Skip where you can go off course and you can continue to complete the race. How possible is it? Cause, I want to give that a try sometime and complete that Stage right there. But, I don't know how possible it is to complete that skip right there. I have seen other YouTube Videos on that Skip. But, I am not too sure if it is a last second turn or a perfect frame turn. I am not 100% sure. If anyone knows anything about this Stage 3 Skip to complete Stage 3 Faster. Please let me know.
Is doing the Factory Driver Challenge hard? And, what is the fastest route to do it? I want to give it a go. It sounds fun to do that and give it a run sometime.
Since, this game is on PS1. Can, it also be on PS2? Or, is it only on PS1? I am just making sure. Cause, I feel like that I want to Speedrun this game sometime in the future.
I have had a lot of slow down's on SSX 3. And, I don't want them to be there anymore. I want to play the game cleanly. And, no slow down's. Is there any requirements for the PCSX2 Settings.
If I am going to run this on a PSP Emulator. I would need to run it on a Memory Stick? Or, how would that work? Cause, I want to try to get a few WR's. Or, PB's for this game right here in the IL Runs.
Is this another Emulator like the SMS and the Genesis? Or, is this another whole new Emulator? Cause, I do want to know. Cause, I want to get some of these games and play them sometime in the future. That would be amazing and a half. I am wanting to try out GameGear and Genesis and SMS.
Are there going to be any IL Runs for this game or no? Cause, it seems wrong to add a game. And, not add any IL Runs to the game.
I am just wanting to let you Mods know that I have the PS5 Version of this game. And, I was wondering if the PS5 Version can be added? Cause, I have this game and I want to play it on the PS5 and not on the PS4.