New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive3 months ago

a number of bufflee's runs have been privated on youtube. please adress this

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive10 months ago

kinda how its done here: https://www.speedrun.com/mc?h=Any_Glitchless-Random_Seed-1.9-1.12&x=mkeyl926-r8rg67rn.21d4zvp1-wl33kewl.jq6j9571 (not as a drop down menu thing but as additional information for a run)

seeing all the runs spread out accross more leader boards than I think is really needed makes the game feel less active and also is more annoying when I want to compare runs against each other. also downloading an older patch is extremely easy aswell.

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive4 years ago

Yes, but emulators are hidden on the leaderboards by default since they run the game faster than the n64.

VanGomes 喜欢这个
New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive4 years ago

(Google Tradutor) Você precisa perguntar aos administradores do site (google translate)

VanGomes 喜欢这个
New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive5 years ago

After doing testing on both emulator and console I've determined that emulators do in fact run the game differently to console. (emulators seem to run slightly faster in general, including the in game timer) Because of this I've decided to set emulator runs to hidden by default.

VanGomes MetalHead 喜欢这个
New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive5 years ago

i posted in the site forums requesting a new mod for the game, so we'll just see what happens.

VanGomes 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive5 years ago

hello, the moderator for Tog Gear Rally has been inactive for 5 months now, and is the only moderator of the game (https://www.speedrun.com/tgr). Other players and I would like an active mod for the game. (possibly me or another runner?). ty

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive7 years ago

It knda is. People drop in with a run every month or so

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive7 years ago

shorter load times and less lag when allot of stuff (or even just a blue shell) is happening on screen

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive7 years ago

Yeah whoops, ill do that. I dont really know much about this game so my b.

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive7 years ago

Yeah its a good idea, i really only added the 1000000 points because i didnt know what to add. Ill add one promotion (3 missions) and from what i understand gravity well is pretty much as close to completing the fame as possible so ill add that as a category.

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive7 years ago

From what i understand thats technically a different game. If you wanted to run that gane instead of space cadet because you dont have space cadet there is a download link in resources. If you still want to run full tilt then you will have to request it to be a new game.

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

yeah no way to take a picture of your final 32 tracks IGT unless u capture the time after very single race. but i think is defintly a good idea for the misc categories.

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

probably not, i don't think it would be very active though

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

it isn't a thing at the moment

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

it could also be due to the lagg that someitmes occurs (blue shell or lightning makes the game lagg slightly sometimes)

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

it might be. it could be the rob bls though since if you aren't snakign it's good down the straits. without testing i'm not sure

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

so i was in goomba's twitch chat talking about mkds ILs and how wii u has an advantage and then the idea of using the in gmae timer instead of the RTA as a method of timing. you could have 2 columns, (1 for RTA one for IGT) so the older runs don't get obsoleted. this would be an easy solution to make the runs as fair as possible

New South Wales, AustraliaSeclusive8 years ago

it takes a bit few frames for teh anumation to complete. on teh last direction press, you can't release R rigt away otherwise you'll end the powerslide before the animation si complete and is done charging. optimial timeing can be tricky (especially in tinme trials) but it just takes practice

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