CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

i just got a email saying my run was denied cause of "Quality of the video drops below watchable too many times/for too long" my stream was at 360p at 1000 bitrate no dropped frames here's my obs settings https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fk8aiEaWQAAH-IN?format=png&name=900x900 here's the link to the run i have at least a few runs with almost the same settings

SpeedyFolf 喜欢这个
CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

so if i skip part of a mission after failing it 3 three times that would be considered NG+

CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

cause at least for me i don't feel like learning another language to play 1 game

CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

i'm trying to submit a run but i don't know what this means

CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

i found out if you use the latest version of dxwnd on the steam version it doesn't work but if i use the rockstar launcher version it somehow works the only thing i could think of why it does this is the steam drm but anyways i thought this might help someone

CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

i found out if you use the latest version of dxwnd on the steam version it doesn't work but if i use the rockstar launcher version it somehow works the only thing i could think of why it does this is the steam drm but anyways i thought this might help someone

CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

hi i was wondering for anyone that uses DXWND what settings should i use cause i'm confused looking at 3 pages of settings i was just trying to use it to get the gta sa 1.0 to do 1080p

sWinTuZ L0UIE 喜欢这个
CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

has anyone got 3d pinball XP working in hd?

EXPL UfahTrainer8 喜欢这个
CanadaRobbyThomas25252 years ago

just wondering cause i made a post around a year about why you couldn't use silent patch and people said cause of the fps limiter being 30 instead of 25 26 but now since you can have the limiter turned off why can you still not use silentpatch?

sWinTuZ L0UIE 喜欢这个
主题: Doodle Jump
CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

can you add another platform for the roku version of doodle jump https://channelstore.roku.com/en-ca/details/3a5d0aaddf9dba7817f3c009f38cc658/doodle-jump

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

r we allowed to use 1.0 but use amd rescale mode or whatever Nvidia calls it to put it at 1920x1080 instead of 1680x1050 since 1.0 doesn't support it

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

if anyone wants to speedrun the fleeca heist with me message me on twitter or discord the username is the same

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

k thanks for that but here's a question the reason i got was i was using a emulator outside the resources page so if the steam version of this game is allowed why isn't it on the resources page it would be easier for people like me who are trying to speedrun this game and do it legally

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

my run got rejected for not using the right emulator i used the sega emulator that u can get on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/34270/SEGA_Mega_Drive_and_Genesis_Classics/ which i was told i could use https://www.speedrun.com/s1/thread/mlx46

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

is the Definitive Edition going to be a different part of speedrun.com or will it be like the xbox 360 version and just have a remaster part

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

Update for anyone wondering i uploaded it went to blurred it got age restricted so i blurred it out appealed it took a few days and they sent me this "We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our sex and nudity policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. How this affects your channel We will continue to age-restrict your content as we don't think it's suitable for younger audiences" which i mean yeah it probably should be age restricted but if u go the age restricted part of the community guidelines it's a different story "Sometimes content doesn't violate our policies, but it may not be appropriate for viewers under 18" so they shouldn't be telling me it against their community guidelines

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

where do i put my run if it's on default settings latest version of csgo and i never touched the command line the speedrun i did was gun range i just don't know where to submit it

CanadaRobbyThomas25253 years ago

i was wondering if i could blur out part of the mission 6:45-8:00 so i wouldn't get a age restriction or get it taken down

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