Commander Root has a tool for a bulk export of Twitch videos as well:
Unsure about the decision not to remove runs without video proof, especially since it's required for most boards.
I'd also like to point out that submissions only have embeds for Twitch and YouTube, and lack any kind of embed for other valid sources, which is unfortunate.
I modded myself by submitting a ticket to SRC because I didn't want to wait any longer and introduced all the changes mentioned.
New game cover, retimed and added ms to every run, added a Septuple Homicide category and verified all the runs that were currently in the queue.
Locking the thread now.
Thank you for all the work. Interesting choice to go with IGT. Do we know if IGT keeps running during loading screens? And big thanks to @KinkajouLegend for continuing to work on the autosplitter!
Hello there, I finally bought this game during the recent Steam sale and enjoyed it a lot, so I decided to run it as well and was happy to see that a board for this already exists!
While I was running the game, I noticed some things and came here for a few suggestions.
Suggestion: A different game cover that shows more of the characters and includes the game name:
Suggestion: Milliseconds (at 60 FPS) for the board, since the runs are quite short and can end up very close! I timed my runs from the last frame of the start button to the first frame of the continue button at the end going dark blue.
Suggestion: A Septuple Homicide (kill everyone that can be killed) category could be cool!
Oh, and something else: When I first looked at the runs I was confused about why they didn't start with a fresh game, but then I remembered the intro shows credits at the start and realised why. Maybe give a reasoning for it in the rules so people aren't put off by it.
Would be lovely to hear back from you!
I think it would be nice if it was used for the future, since loading times vary on different hardware and the runs are already quite close in time.
Is there a reason the load remover/auto splitter made by @KinkajouLegend isn't used? Did he not share it anywhere?
(Mentioned in his run description)
@CrazyDoGaming I'm already on the Gothic speedrun server :) But I think a specific server for Elex would be better.
Did you end up creating an Elex speedrun Discord? I'm interested in running this in the future.
Hey there, I played around with Wild Rift for the first time in ages, realising that the tutorials are not exactly gone, but overwent a whole makeover with the Battle Academy tab ... I thought the former approach was much better, but ah well.
Thing is, the old tutorials do still exist and there are even new ones in the same style. I used a new account to check how you get introduced to Wild Rift when you start it up for the first time.
Wild Rift asks you a question: Have you played League of Legends before? If you say "No", it starts the Basic Tutorial (still the same, with Jinx' animation video and all). If you finish/skip it, Wild Rift makes you choose a character and loads you into a game formerly known as the Wild Rift Tutorial.
If you finish/skip it, it opens the entire "Battle Academy" tab with your admission and all. With this comes a "Wild Rift Guide" which mainly makes you play PVP games to earn loot. You can ignore all those and navigate to the icon in the top right corner that looks like a little calendar with a tick and open your "Activites" tab.
Here you find: Tada, the old tutorials. Starting with the Target Lock tutorial. Thing is, you cannot choose specific tutorials and you cannot skip out of these tutorials either, you have to finish them all in a row to get to the next tutorial.
The order of the tutorials is the following:
- Basic Tutorial - Skippable
- Formerly Wild Rift Tutorial - Skippable
- Target Lock Tutorial
- Minion and Turret Button Tutorial
- Portrait Lock Feature
- Turrets Tutorial
- Jungle Monsters Tutorial
- Baron Nashor Tutorial
- Dragon Lane Tutorial
- Elemental Rift - Advanced as Master Yi (New)
- Baron Lane Tutorial as Garen (New)
- Jungle Tutorial as Master Yi (New)
- Mid Lane Tutorial as Ahri (New)
- Marksman Tutorial as Jinx (New)
- Support Tutorial as Seraphine (New)
- Baron Pit Tutorial as Master Yi (New)
- Dragon Pit Tutorial as Master Yi (New) BUGGED
The Dragon Pit Tutorial is bugged. The dragon doesn't spawn, the minions don't spawn and the enemy towers don't even attack you. I tried restarting the game and clicking on the tutorial three times. It is defunct. The only way to get through the tutorial is have Yi destroy all the towers and then the enemy Nexus.
- Placing Wards and Removing Enemy Wards Tutorial as Master Yi (New)
- Turret Plating Tutorial as Jinx (New)
I thought maybe, maybe if you complete them all, they'd be repeatable. But they aren't. The options in the 'Activities' tab simply disappears.
How are we now able to run the tutorials for Wild Rift? As of right now, the 2nd of July 2024, if you've already played through the tutorials with your account, the only way for you to run them is to create a new account, unfortunately.
Which begs the question if the current leader board should be discarded and archived. Forcing people to make a new account every time they want to run the game, and playing through all of the tutorials before getting to the one they want to run feels very awkward and punishing.
I forgot to reply here, but the leaderboards for TRRCE opened about a week ago!
Area% runs will return to the Category Extension board that we have already created but haven't finished setting up yet!
You can follow it to make sure you don't miss when the embargo period ends.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know people are on the general Humongous Entertainment Discord:
Hey there Zyrumi, thanks for asking!
I just set up a small community server that we can extend in the future if need be! :) Feel free to join!
Hi there, I've had this issue with Atlantis at one point, but usually, the autosplitter should work properly.
I'd suggest you join us on Discord to bring up the issue in #tomp1, people very rarely check the forums here.
Someone over there might be able to help you better!