Player2097 months ago

Wait. The starting ammo has only 1 magazine - that means what you are, indeed, on Madness mode. That means what run is allowed. Though the format did have mishaps - try to not do them later.

Player2097 months ago

I could figure it out by checking amount of spare magazines in guns from lockers. But you didn't open any of these.

Player2097 months ago

Or wait - on Madness difficulty, the incoming damage is bigger. That's not specified if that's against players or mobs. That means what enemie's HP doesn't depend on difficulty. Sorry for my words. Still thinking.

Player2097 months ago

That looks suspicious. Enemies generally die very fast, usually in 1 hit.

On 38 second mark, you one-hit killed what seems like MERC Sarge (the guy with pauldrons), who has 2 Corpus blocks and Novice Tac-Bar - that seems unnatural to me, even despite the fact what it looks like it was Deimos's shotgun blast. Alternatively, because it's titled "Jr. Foreman", perhaps he's less durable than proper MERC Sarge.

You also have actual sounds turned off (it only has music; that's suspicious), and you don't show what difficulty was set up (that's important).

For me, it looks like you either have a some sort of cheats, or have set the Tourist difficulty. I don't have enough evidence for either idea, so i would want some explanations. Also i can't confidently say what there is something illicit - i'm not sure about run's validity.

You unlocked Deimos Loadout A - but i can't do calculations out of that, because as far as i remember, it's unlocking doesn't depend on difficulty

Besides, do you have the full, uncut version?

I'm confused right now. EllisFromSomewhere could say something about it, but he's pretty slow - like, he comes around in intervals of multiple weeks. I'm still thinking about whether or not the run is valid.

Player2097 months ago

You mean, what DLRaDE is based on memes, and TI is based strictly on cartoon? For me, universes seem to be close enough to be in one serie.

Player2097 months ago

Is it possible to get even shorter route - Beach -> Treasure Room -> Black Dog?

Player2097 months ago

DevastatorOne, thanks! Besides, why did you rejected my idea of joining Dr Livesey Rom And Death Edition and Treasure Island into one series ("Soviet Treasure Island" or something like that).

Last time i talked about that idea (at least year in the past), AlbertHamik (moder of Treasure Island) was generally agreed on that, while you were AFK.

Is there some technical difficulties, or you just think what it's not worth it?

主题: Wandersong
Player2097 months ago

Apparently, there is a premature ending. What about making a category where you would try to reach the preschedule credits ASAP.

主题: Palworld
Player2098 months ago

Then maybe make "Capturing bosses" as an additional category?

主题: Palworld
Player2098 months ago

Basically, if boss is only damaged by guards (you don't attack boss), you can capture it - and sign of it is when boss starts to walk into corner.

Current speedrunners tend to run to that same corner and hide behind the boss, to wait for guards to kill him.

But actually, the faster (and more usefull for the player, considering incredible power of bosses) strategy would be capturing the boss - it's faster to capture boss that wait for guards to whittle down his massive HP.

Player2098 months ago

Besides, moderators must verify runs in 21 days. IDK if there is any run what's pending time has expired, or not.

Player2098 months ago

Problem is - the DevastatorOne (moder) is AFK for very long time.

I also wanted to join this game and another Soviet Treasure Island game - https://www.speedrun.com/ti_2005 - into one series. I wanted to call that series, well, "Soviet Treasure Island"; Moder of that other game, "AlbertHamik", agreed with me, and tried to contact moder of DLRADE, DevastatorOne, yet has not been able to make any sense of it.

Player2098 months ago

I didn't find anything illicit, at least while looking at a cursory glance. I see what you use unoptimized gear - check out the Armor and Clothes list in the resources.

Player2098 months ago

Dr Livesey Rom And Death Edition just recieved a major update. Should we make new categories and transfer old categories to "Hall of Fame"?


Player2098 months ago

This is list of game weapons, in video form. It would be nice to turn it into a spreadsheet, though it would be tedious. In fact, about 4 times more tedious than with armor.

Player2099 months ago

Game also had some mini-games, mostly prank ones - "Mofo the Psychic Gorilla", "Buzz Bombers", "What's Your Sign", "Sun Scorcher". What about making speedruns of these?

Player2099 months ago

You could also add Advanced Rotors to the thing, but it'll be a little bit harder to automate without command blocks. You may control the rotor thing, manually - like an excavator. But in that case you can move it from one place of ground to another - just turn it and send it drilling.

Keep in mind what Survival Kit, in terms of refining stone, has greater efficiency than Basic Refinery - and same stone efficiency as full-size Refinery. You should put Survival Kit to refining stone non-stop. Get productivity modules for full-size refinery as soon as possible, or at least speed modules.

Player2099 months ago

You can build a crude semi-auto mining system for digging ores. You build a tower out of light armor blocks, in the shape of "Г" letter, then you attach a big line of pistons downwards, what end with a huge block of drills, with line of conveyors going from the slot of the most upper piston to base.

You turn drills on, expand the pistons, and see how the thing mines. No need for stone ejector - the whole construction is pretty much made to mine stone; placing it on an ore deposit is recommended, but optional.

You should place a lot of containers at base - this thing mines a lot, so make sure you have space to place it all.

The thing is pretty simple to make - more simple than some kind of thing with rotors - just don't extend it too fast, as in that case mining machine may break or your containers may run out of space.

When it's completely extended, and doesn't reach further, you can either fold it back and place additional drills, or rebuild thing - with more folded pistons between ground and the top of tower.

What is even more convenient if what both pistons, drills and conveyors only require materials what can be digged out of rock. Containers, however, require metal grids made of cobalt; so you should connect every block with inventory on your base with conveyor system, cockpit for controlling this thing more comfortably, and perhaps build connectors for storage space if you can't build the real containers (connecting small grid with containers to connector is unstable).

You could also add Advanced Rotors to the thing, but it'll be a little bit harder to automate without command blocks. You may control the rotor thing, manually - like an excavator. But in that case you can move it from one place of ground to another - just turn it and send it drilling.

Keep in mind what Survival Kit, in terms of refining stone, has greater efficiency than Basic Refinery - and same stone efficiency as full-size Refinery. You should put Survival Kit to refining stone non-stop. Get productivity modules for full-size refinery as soon as possible, or at least speed modules.

Player2099 months ago

Also, what about something like WC, but only partial? Like, conquer everything in a particular region ("Region Conquest" i guess). Like, conquer everything in Europe, or Asia, or Oceania, or North America, or South America - and so on and so on.

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