I changed the time because it was split a little bit late but you're all set now😁
Thanks so much everyone for coming out here and helping set this whole thing up! I just have 1 problem i need to figure out. I want to 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 present individual level categories to the Christmas DLC tab but instead all I saw was easy, normal, hard, extreme, and any% runs. If anyone knows how to remove those categories from the Christmas DLC without removing them entirely please comment on this and ill give you Mod to help update it! Thanks for helping and have a great day everyone!
If you want to you can, I feel like it would be cool but it's your choice 😁
I thought about it and will let WeldeenYT do a revamp of the layout here. I have one problem though and that is i dont know how to make people mod, Im sure you can only do it on laptop but any help would be appreciated 😁👍
Thanks for this information I'll consider this as the main layout as I used this set up for a template, I'll set this up soon! Thanks
Thanks dash, I'm back now and here to stay and got the gmail fixed!