Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

Yeah I think letting runners choose between those 3 maps would probably be fine. And yeah, I'm just talking hypothetically about the subcategories if the run becomes somewhat popular. But I do seeing this game getting some more runs if you, I, Star Falco (who's talked about doing runs again) and a few others start running the game.

I think there should be more of a focus on the story mode categories too, as I see a lot of potential for new strats in those categories too. Obviously, we have the AI manipulation to get the bosses to ring themselves out and a couple other strats but I definitely see some more potential.

Also you should definitely join the discord we have for the game. Me and a couple other people have been fairly active in there recently. https://discordapp.com/channels/301131399266697217/552533285839044609

WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

There should be subcategories for some characters for the All Characters category. Like, it would be interesting to see how fast you could complete the run with Wolverine as opposed to Iron Man, Brigade or Paragon

You can ring out opponents on the bridge anyway so that rules that map out. I think avengers mansion is better for weaker characters cause there's not a whole lot of heavier items on that map. The Power plant might be a suitable map

I agree 3 lives is probably best for that category. Less than 3 would be too short and more than 3 would be too long

WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

I think it would probably be fine to choose any stage as long as it's not one where you can ring out your opponent. Also, for the All Characters category, would you be required to use the same character for the whole run?

WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

Maybe if these runs were on a map where you can't ring out your opponents i.e. NYC Streets, Avenger's Mansion, Roekel's Headquarters, then it might be more interesting and less repetitive. Subcategories for different maps or all the different characters could be interesting. It would be interesting to see how fast you can defeat all characters as Wolverine compared to as Iron Man

WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

I played the PS2 version years ago when I owned the game as a kid. Recently I have been playing the Xbox version. As far as I know, there isn't any difference between the diffrent console versions.

I think the emulator is a bit different. I haven't played it myself but I have seen a couple videos of gameplay on the Dolphin emulator. So I can't really say

Looking forward to your runs

WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

I'm not sure adding more categories is worth doing until we see a few runs of the game. But I have thought about Versus categories. The problem I think there would be is if it's fastest just to manipulate the AI to kill themselves, it might become a repetitive and tedious run

f1 WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac5 years ago

Well f1 is the only mod of this game. He hasn't been active here since I've been. Idk how you can become a mod for the game without f1 active but I'd be fine with that

You'll probably be posting runs before I am. I'm busy with college right now and my disc isn't currently working so I'm gonna have to get a new one. I probably won't be playing until the summer but I look forward to seeing your runs. Make sure to use the strats that I've posted on the forums. And watch StarFalco's runs for some extra strats you might not have known about

WeaponLord 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

I'm testing more of the boss missions, particularly the ones where you can ring out your opponent.

The mission Earthquake! where you fight Fault Zone as Storm, you can get Fault Zone to jump to her death by flying over the pit to the left. This is very easy to do, just don't fly too far away or too low or you will ring yourself out.

The mission Daredevil! where you fight Daredevil as Elektra, you can jump off the Daily Bugle at the far side and cling onto the wall with your wall climb (Right trigger on the wall) and Daredevil will swing off to his death in an attempt to attack you. This can be tricky and can take a couple of attempts but even if you fail a couple of times, it still saves time over trying to kill him. Definitely worth doing (Also make sure to use your super jump to jump off the building because with the regular jump you won't be able to grab onto the wall before you fall out of bounds)

The mission To Defy A Goddess where you fight evil Storm as Wolverine (which is only done in the All Character Missions category), you can cling to the wall over the pit and Storm will eventually fly out of bounds to her death. However this will take a fairly long time as Storm will fly very high and it will take her a long time to fall far enough to die. It may be faster to just kill her normally or try to throw her off yourself but I'd recommend trying this out for yourself.

The Electric Man (Daredevil vs Johnny Ohm) can be completed by swinging over the pit and getting Johnny to fly to his death but it can take way too long for him to fly over the pit and Daredevil's special ability can run out by the time Johnny flies over the pit. EDIT: Also worth noting, Johnny Ohm will not fly if he's carrying an object as he's the only flying character not able to do so

For Fatal Heat (Venom vs Solara) (there's no out of bounds in this fight), just use your super grab as Venom to sling items towards you and throw them at Solara and you should be able to kill her very quickly before she regenerates health. Along Came A Spider (Evil Spiderman vs Human Torch) has a similar strat but is harder because Spider-man isn't as strong as Venom so can't web as many items towards himself

Deadly Venom (Spiderman vs Venom) and Lethal Toxin (Hazmat vs Venom) you can also get Venom to kill himself by swinging around the Daily Bugle or over Grand Central Station's pit but be careful not to ring yourself out

You can get Spider-Man to kill himself in High Voltage (mission where you defeat Spider-Man as Johnny Ohm by flying around the Daily Bugle. Make sure to hold A (on xbox) or X (on ps2) to go up because Johnny will fly downwards quite quickly and can ring himself out. This reduces your special quickly so make sure to be above land before your special runs out

In Poisoned Steel, you can get Hazmat to kill himself by flying over the pit as Magneto but it can be hard to get him to do so.

In Duel of Masters, you can get Magneto to kill himself by teleporting over the pit as Paragon. This is much easier than Poisoned Steel.

f1, WeaponLord, StarFalco64 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

I'm currently practicing the Rage of the Beast mission (where you kill Storm as evil Wolverine) and it actually seems pretty fast consistently for me. I think this could replace mission 5 in my mission list.

Really the only mission I'd say to avoid for sure is the mission where you defeat Elektra as The Wink

WeaponLord StarFalco64 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

The Imperfect Missions (where you play as an Imperfect character [or evil Marvel character] to defeat a Marvel character) can be done in any order and for both Any% and All Character Missions, 6/9 of these missions must be completed.

Here's my ideal order of doing these missions

  1. Defeating The Thing as Fault Zone (Thing is stronger but this mission should be ok for you. Be prepared for Thing catching cars you throw at him and him lifting cars/the van to throw at you)
  2. Defeating Daredevil as Solara (Can quickly kill Daredevil by luring him into the fire pit at the top left of the arena)
  3. Defeating Venom as Hazmat (Just swing over the pit and Venom will kill himself)
  4. Defeating Spider-Man as Johnny Ohm (You can get Spidey to kill himself by flying around Daily Bugle and he will ring himself out. This can be tricky though. It's best if you first get onto the Daily Bugle letters to gain some decent height and avoid ringing yourself out)
  5. Defeating Human Torch as evil Spider-Man (This mission can be tricky. Try using Spider-Man's extra strength and super grab to sling heavy items towards you)
  6. Defeating Wolverine as Brigade (With the exception of the super block, Wolverine isn't much of an issue. The fastest way to defeat Wolverine is to hit him with lamp posts and throw them at him when he's at a distance)

Here are the missions I don't do and why

  • Defeating Elektra as The Wink - This mission is genuinely quite difficult. Elektra is much more of a pain in this mission than expected and The Wink is not a strong character. (Also slow menuing as 2 inputs are required to select this mission i.e. 2 right or 2 left)
  • Storm as evil Wolverine - I don't think this mission is particularly hard but is quite long as Wolverine has no long-range attack other than throwing items and he can only throw small objects which deal less damage. Also requires 1 additional input
  • Iron Man as Niles Van Roekel - Iron Man is a very difficult character to fight and while Niles Van Roekel is also a strong character with good moves, it can still be difficult and/or long to beat Iron Man. Also you only get 1 opportunity to do this mission and its better to choose the Brigade vs Wolverine mission over this because it's much easier

Reasons why my order is the most ideal

  • One reason why I think my order is ideal is for the purposes of menuing. If you do these missions in this order, you don't have to move to the right of left to select missions and can just mash the button to start the mission. Saves minor time but still significant. If you do the missions in this order, the only menuing you need to do is to select the imperfect mission as Brigade against Wolverine, and the first 2 Magneto missions which each requires 1 input (and all the missions for Wolverine, Elektra and Storm)
  • Leaving the Brigade mission to last which is arguably the easiest of the Imperfect missions which removes some stress late in the run.
  • The missions I choose are easier and faster than the missions I choose not to do. Missions 5 on my list can still give you some problems but is still better imo. The rest should be fine most of the time.

Of course some runners have different preferences. If you think certain missions are harder than others, you can do these missions in a different order but this is the order I recommend. If you can think of a reason why my mission order isn't the most ideal one, please post why you think it's better to do certain missions earlier/later than others

WeaponLord StarFalco64 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

Oh, another time save I forgot to mention is Femme Fatale, the mission where you fight The Wink as Wolverine, where you can save time

When she teleports up to those platforms and throws barrels at you, you can stop her from teleporting to the next platform if you're on top of the platform she's going to teleport to so she'll skip that platform. Also, instead of avoiding the barrels that she throws you can catch them and throw them back at her if you do it fast enough and as long as you're not too far away from her or too close to her (If you're too far, she'll teleport before the barrel hits her and if you're too close she will hit the platform and you won't be able to catch the barrel)

WeaponLord StarFalco64 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

Hey, I've recently got this game and was thinking of speedrunning it.

Anyway, I found a few interesting time saves that I think are really useful for anyone looking to speedrun this game.

  1. In the mission "Top of The World" where you play as Elektra, you can complete the mission in under 40 seconds by wall climbing and avoiding all enemies. The first segment of this mission requires you to defeat a number of enemies before the wall opens up allowing you to progress. However, this can be avoided by wall climbing at the start. This is a tricky strat and can result in you falling to your death so I'd recommend practicing this before you try it and it's not a massive time save so it might not be worth it unless you're really good at it. Also avoid wall running to the sides as that will make her run to her death

  2. The first mission of Storm can be finished upon destroying the first of the glowing orbs without destroying the 2nd. Idk how this works but it happened to me and idk how. I tried to get it to work again but it won't work.

If I find any other time saves, I'll post them here

f1, WeaponLord, StarFalco64 喜欢这个
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

I don't speedrun this game but there are some guides here. Also, simply watching more recent speedruns is a good way of learning about new strategies for missions or coin routes


Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

Yeah I've thought it through. I haven't actually timed anything so idk what the fastest way is. Your first video MIGHT be faster than mine. I think getting that extra jitsu my way is good though. I'm sure clipping at some point near the start is faster than running through the whole level

I like those other clips too. Is the 2nd one the same as what the TAS does without Fushin?

Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

So this is a new trick that I don't believe anybody has done in a speedrun before in this place. In this video, I show you a place where you can clip through the wall allowing you to skip a large portion of the level. This place is located just over the electricity beams near the beginning of this section of the last level.

This trick also allows you to have 3 Ninjitsu's to use for the remainder of the level (as long as you don't die) which could be used for 3 different parts of the remaining run

  • You can use Ikazuchi for the TAS clip to clip through the electricity wall to get to the end of the stage
  • You can use Fushin to get past the final section before the Boss
  • You can use Ikazuchi and/or Mijin for the final boss

I think this trick will be very helpful to anyone wanting to speedrun the game

Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac6 years ago

You just need to practice it more. Eventually, you'll be able to do it more consistently. I'm working on it too but I'm definitely better at doing it now after practicing. It is very uncomfortable to do though.

I don't think there's any trick to it. You just need to be fast and practice it

Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac7 years ago

I think if a category like this were to exist, 6 button mode would have to be allowed because there would be no way to know whether the runner is using a 6 button controller or not. And besides, I'm not sure many people would be willing to do a run where the slightest mistake at any point would kill the run.

And the bomb at stage 5 can be avoided by clipping as Keaur does in his runs. And if you can't clip there, you can use a mijin/kariu as you said.

Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac7 years ago

I know I don't have to master a game to run it but I'd prefer to get a bit better at those games before I start running them

Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac7 years ago

Hey guys! I'm new to speedrunning and I just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm MysticManiac and I've been speedrunning Streets of Rage a bit as that's a game that I've mastered by playing casually just by playing it over and over again. It's gotten to the point that I've gotten good enough at the game that I'd like to speed run it.

I haven't uploaded any speed runs yet. I will in the future but I'm quite busy at the moment with school so once I have time I will work more on speedrunning and uploading speed runs

I'd also like to speedrun some other games that I like but I don't think I've mastered any other games like I have for SoR but in the future I intend on speedrunning some other games. Some other games I'd like to speedrun in the future are Golden Axe I and II, Shinobi III and The Revenge of Shinobi on the Sega Genesis/Megadrive although like I said I haven't mastered these games.

NoControl 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
Kilkenny, IrelandMysticManiac7 years ago

I'm new to speed running, I've started speed running Streets of Rage because it's a game I've pretty much mastered to the point where playing it casually isn't really fun for me anymore. If there's any game like that for you, that might be a good idea for you to speedrun.

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