Hi everyone. I wanted to know how much should other players in CO-OP be involved in the run for it to be considered valid? Is it okay for them to re-join into spectator mode for the entire level if it's really short/just for some segment of the level and then spawn back in?
How's the calculator thing going? @swoopthenoob :D
Now I want everyone to only do 4 Lap Timberlands 1 with Chili, just for giggles ;DDD
В след. раз на таблице результатов после гонки наведись на кнопку "Вернуться в Меню" - по правилам надо так (чтоб было понятно по надписи, гонка была в карьере проехана, или в одиночной гонке), но у нас пока особых битв за первое место нет, так что закрою на это глаза этот раз)
UPD: Мне прислали видео с наведением на кнопку, всё четко
Hi. I want to speedrun 0-100 Crime Spree with friend, but as soon as I join him I crash with the next log:
Application has crashed: C++ exception [string "lib/managers/menu/crimespreemissionsmenucompo..."]:791: attempt to compare nil with number
update_info_text() lib/managers/menu/crimespreemissionsmenucomponent.lua:679 init() lib/managers/menu/crimespreemissionsmenucomponent.lua:464 new() core/lib/utils/coreclass.lua:35 _setup() lib/managers/menu/crimespreemissionsmenucomponent.lua:93 init() lib/managers/menu/crimespreemissionsmenucomponent.lua:31 new() core/lib/utils/coreclass.lua:35 create() lib/managers/menu/menucomponentmanager.lua:5123 original() lib/managers/menu/menucomponentmanager.lua:520 set_active_components() @MODS/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:264 core/lib/managers/menu/coremenulogic.lua:89 _execute_action_queue() core/lib/managers/menu/coremenulogic.lua:54 update() core/lib/managers/menu/coremenulogic.lua:64 update() core/lib/managers/menu/coremenumanager.lua:155 update() lib/managers/menumanagerpd2.lua:20 update() lib/setups/setup.lua:897 original() lib/setups/menusetup.lua:361 update() @MODS/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:264 core/lib/setups/coresetup.lua:559
And when he tried to re-join me after we got to CS 25 he always got Access Violation crash when he joined. Is there any way to fix that? Only mods we have is RNG Modifier and Speedrunning Mod
You can complete the whole game without absolutely any upgrades and even weapons. Only the last mission requires you having at least rockets
I don't think this would work out. We only have time-based leaderboards here, and the only thing you can speedrun in mini-games is dying in Survival of Redline Edition, or failing the jump at Jump mini-game :(
It bugs me A LOT that my IL run was rejected just because I had modified textures, while this Full-Game run is accepted, especially considering all the things described in Mod notes ._.
You can press CTRL+LShift+X at the mission select screen after clearing the progress to have everything unlocked (every car with every upgrade in garage) without completing any mission
What about adding a NG+ Career category? It would make some annoying events like Professionals6 less frustrating, and overall gameplay faster for people that can't do long runs