GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Can confirm, that 15$ dongle is insanely good for the price and all you need if 720/60 or 1080/30 is good enough for you.

Pear Matse007 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/r-type https://www.speedrun.com/r-type_final

I assume the series mod still has the power to add new games, you might wanna ask them for final 2.

Pear 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

[quote]they don't? I know in the past SRC worked with those communities to have the leaderboard on SRC essentially direct users to external sites. at some point I think those leaderboards started to exist on both sites in tandem, and that was pre elo [/quote] I know that they suddenly stopped redirecting all mega man games to mmleaderboards. That's why most of these boards here are now kind of a mess.

MrMonsh, Merl_, Walgrey 喜欢这个
主题: Kid Icarus
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

The final level does not autoscroll? Wow :D

I agree that it should be its' own category. Probably won't see many runs but the differences are big enough to split it.

MagicK, NeoKad 3 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

"inactive for ages" last online on src - 5 days ago last tweet - 4 days ago


Krayzar, O.D.W. 5 其他 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Can't believe no one complained yet that his thumbnail still says World Record ;-)

TheSecondTry, Sizzyl 4 其他 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

I have done runs of several games on both original cartridge and Everdrive and can guarantee you that they run at the same speed. I don't have a powerpak myself but am absolutely sure that it is the same with that flashcart. Otherwise a lot of people would have noticed and banned that cart long ago.

I am not an expert on emulators myself since I usually use original hardware but Mesen should be very accurate to hardware. Vsync might play a role? Idk, it's at least worth testing if it changes anything. There is no way that you should lose several seconds while doing the same strats. I know Jackal is a lot about lag reduction strats, so did you try talking to runners/mods of the game? Maybe they can point out things you actually don't do like top runs and lose time with it. Btw on Jackal of first and second place one is on emulator and one on original hardware. And since I'm pretty sure everything about Toad's run and console is legit and their stage 1 is basically the same, I'm very confident in saying that both runs run at the correct speed and lag. So in that case it has to be either your strats or your pc/emulator messing up in weird ways. If you really think it's not the strats, then did you try using a different (accurate) emulator and compare your results? From the general NES doc: "Mesen, Bizhawk/NEShawk, puNES, Nestopia and FCEUX are the most acceptable emulators, listed in order of accuracy" Just for science test a different emu maybe...

One thing I didn't mention before is that the actual console runs ever so slightly faster than emulators. framerate of the nes is ~60.0988139 while emulators run at 60 flat. But that difference is so small that you should not notice it at all, especially for such short runs like your examples.

主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Flashcarts like Everdrive and Powerpak act exactly like original cartridges (with very specific exceptions like CV3 wrongwarp not working on flashcart), so yes, they are allowed for runs.

Overclocking your console is definitely not allowed but I really doubt that is actually happening on the runs you compare to. More likely they just do a better job at reducing lag in the game with their strats.

Another thought could be that your emulator is actually lagging when you record runs. Did you check if your framerate constantly stays on 60fps?

O.D.W. Walgrey 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

I just checked for "GBA Bwser Castle 2" and if you set the filter to Kart instead of any it shows your run. So probably something messed up with the default settings of the leaderboard.

主题: The Site
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

A lot of rejections for reasons like trivial/noteworthy/level of effort and so on are very subjective so I doubt you can get a satisfying explanation for it. But they (have to) draw a line somewhere to not put literally every game on the site (which they basically used to do before realizing that that would just be too much at some point for the site to handle)

主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Don't worry, just takes some time to record the proof videos :D

主题: The Site
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

and it doesn't make any sense in the first place when there is still an active mod besides those inactive ones. So basically two mods were removed for no reason and nothing changed for the requesting user since there was still an active third mod that is verifying the runs. It's a different story if there are no active mods at all and the requesting user gets mod so runs can be verified. But this was just not the case here.

Oreo321, KomradeKontroll, Walgrey 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

I'm always curious when people sign up just to accuse other people of cheating. Can't wait for the proof.

Tristoppy, Brakshow 14 其他 喜欢这个
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

I just realized that it isn't even unbanned for 2-loop. That really makes no sense, it is literally the same as for any%, so I agree with Spriven.

As for low%/Whip only: I said that because the differences for these categories are much bigger than for any% since you have no way of getting rid of the hearts. any% optimally ends on 0 hearts anyway (and if not you still lose time over 0 hearts, just not as much). Of course you can still say "it's just faster, so why not use it?" but it makes sense to at least think more about it. even without grabbing any extra hearts it's around 3 seconds of timesave on the heart countdown over the run. In Komrade's Whip Only run for example it's a total of 51 hearts = 5 seconds difference. That is actually pretty big.

NeoKad 喜欢这个
主题: Kid Icarus
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

There is a tutorial by fbs under "guides" that should explain most stuff to get started with the run.

Pikraken 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

yeah, it depends a lot on the situation, the game and how far into you are. Also there is no "right" answer, it's all personal preference in the end anyway. Especially if you are relatively new to the run or the end game is very hard in general, it's always a good idea to just finish it and get some practice in. It happens often enough to people that they reset so much that they never get to the endgame and are far more likely to make mistakes there, so doing it a bit more often can help. It can also sometimes feel good just to finish a run, especially if you usually reset a lot, sometimes it's the little things to get your mood up ;-) On the other side, if you are in a heavy grind, it can just be wasted time you could rather put in new attempts, mostly when you are experienced enough in the game anyway.

Another factor is the length of the run. On a 2 hour run people tend to play it out when they are decently far, on a 15 minute game it's quick getting back there anyway. Or maybe some people see it the other way around, on a 2 hour run they rather reset cause it would waste more time. As you can see you can always see it both ways :D

主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

that is exactly how the site works. You can easily get around such a "dead category" by making sub categories for each category individually instead of a global one for all categories. Obviously that requires a tiny bit more work since you have to make multiple sub categories.

Anyway, we can hope that with the improved mod tools stuff like this won't be a problem anymore...

Merl_ 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

so you are saying Elo is unreachable because they didn't answer your mail within 6 hours or so? well then...

NoiceGood, Gaming_64 21 其他 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

All/most games can be speedran in some way while only so many games work/make sense for highscores. You can't highscore stuff like metroid or Zelda games, just to give some examples. Speedrunning is in general way more versatile and applies to a lot more games. Also events like Games Done Quick made Speedrunning a lot more popular.

Pear, Symystery 4 其他 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus3 years ago

Most IGT timers I've seen in games are unfortunately very flawed and not good and fair to measure speedruns. But since it varies from game to game how it is implemented, there is no definitive answer and Timmiluvs pointed that all out very nicely. I'd say that you should always consider IGT as an option if the game has it but please test it before just blindly using it. Check out how the ingametimer works, what counts, when it stops or even resets, then make a decision based on that.

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