主题: The Site
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

@Daniel I assume you mean the original Trine game and not the Trine series. Both the series mods have been active in the past 24 hours, however have no power in Trine and Trine 3. Logically they should be given power over both and then you can ask them.

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

@Deln LaV has been active on the site, however hasn't verified an awaiting run in 3 weeks seen http://www.speedrun.com/d3_ros/thread/ih0oq - They also don't seem to have been active on any social media connected to the account in months.

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

All of the TT Lego games have co-op categories with them. The games are fun solo and co-op and take advantage of different ascpects of the game for speed purposes, although not all the rules have been fleshed out completely for the co-op runs.

BroyZ 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

All rules go on a game by game basis, because it always depends on who moderates them in the end. Being rejected for not having a timer on seems a bit shitty, although having an timer does allow you to verify that the video hasn't been sped-up much easier.

主题: Talk
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

Donators get the coin icon, there have been a couple of specific instances of large donators getting a personal icon too. Twitch partners also get their sub badge next to their name.

EnglandKimmie8 years ago

It should apply to all the Lego TT games, as they all have the potential for the same categories (Minus the Super Stories of SW:TCS)

WiiSuper 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

You can request a game that's not on the list by clicking the "Request a game" link over on the games page. Do note that this makes you the supermod of the game, and so it is your responsibility to manage the game, setting up categories and such.


主题: The Site
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

@TsukiBaka: If both mods are active, you should ask them. Both are SuperMods, so they both have the ability to make you a mod too. This is a last resort thread if mods are inactive or being generally unreasonable in the handling of the game.

YUMmy_Bacon5, enbee 2 其他 喜欢这个
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

If you need inputs when on a keyboard try running livesplit in administrator mode, I had the same problem with games with extra overlays on them. (Steam, Games for Windows)

主题: Speedrunning
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

Try to contact the Mod on any media account the user has connected to their accounts, then wait a couple of days. If you don't get any response from them, head over to the Mod request thread.

http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7 NOTE: This is a last resort thread, don't post here unless you've exhausted all methods of contacting the mod/s of the game.

Spielpro, AMVX, enbee 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

First off, you will need to submit the game to the site. You can do that over on the requests page - http://www.speedrun.com/requestgame

After that you get Super Mod of the game. From there it is mostly down to you how to run it, who is allowed mod, though you must take the community's interests in mind.

SpaceBroJakob 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

If you requested the game then you gain Modship over the game. This means you set it up, add the catagories and the rules for the game.

Neural89 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

The forums are empty yes, however the moderators are active and can answer your game/catagory questions over there better than us, who don't run/know the game.

主题: Talk
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

This would be a question for the B:AK forums, and not here in the general talk forums.

主题: Talk
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

It's not a fact of having so many unused keys, it's a matter of having the keys in a usuable position. You don't want to be moving your hand, then having to re-place it where it's meant to be, but you don't want it to be too close to the main controls or you may mis-press it. That's why sometimes it's awkward for computer games to have good feeling controls when there's a lot of game mechanics to use. It's just not ergonomic to do so.

In response to the main topic though, being able to use a gamepad would be good, with direct imput gamepad support too.

主题: Talk
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

Good job. You just Necro'd a 2 month old thread, whilst somehow not adding anything to the conversation.

1UpsForLife, Trollbear666 3 其他 喜欢这个
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

The DS version is a completely different game to the rest of the versions (All the Lego DS games are I believe) - As such the DS versions should have their own catagories.

WiiSuper teh_supar_hackr 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
EnglandKimmie8 years ago
  1. Don't submit more than once. You add to the workload the admins have to go through.
  2. The system isn't automatic - Admins go through the list and approve or decline each request individually, as well as checking up on recently added games to see if they have been set up.

I've seen it take beteween a couple of days, to a week-ish for games to be approved. Be patient.

主题: Speedrunning
EnglandKimmie8 years ago

It seems not, however there is a page for it. http://www.speedrun.com/spectrobes1

And a series page for it (There are no runs in any of the games) http://www.speedrun.com/spectrobes

EnglandKimmie8 years ago

I would say that you would have to most of the time be in co-op mode, however a player can drop out so that a skip may be performed. Once the skip is performed, the second player must rejoin the game.

AnAnonymousSource, Zacc, WiiSuper 喜欢这个
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