Kentucky, USAKefka142 months ago

Hello Beyond Shadowgate community.

I am a speedrunner and moderator for Shadowgate 64. Recently, a new potential runner asked about a server for the game and I realized there isn't one for any of the games or the series to share resources and such, so I made one. I know you all are highly inactive and it may go years before anybody sees this, but I wanted to invite your community to join the server. I will happily create channels for Beyond Shadowgate and give moderator roles to any mods. Not obligated to join of course, but the invite is there!


GeneralBass 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka142 months ago

Hello Shadowgate Returns community.

I am a moderator and speedrunner of Shadowgate 64. Recently, a new potential runner asked about a server for Shadowgate 64 and I noticed that none of the Shadowgate games have a place where resources and such can be posted and shared. As such, I made a server. I am inviting the entire Shadowgate series to share this server as well if desired (not obligated to join of course).

That being said, if you do indeed want to join, I will happily create channels for Shadowgate Returns and give moderator roles to your mod team (or rather, just dnkcafe I suppose since that is the only moderator lol).


Kentucky, USAKefka142 months ago

Hello Shadowgate NES community. I am a speedrunner and moderator for Shadowgate 64. Recently, a new potential runner asked where they could come to mingle (such as a server). As such, I have made a server to facilitate this. Before doing so, I wanted to check and see if you all had a server first, and it doesn't seem you do. As such, I made a Shadowgate 64 Speedruns server.

I would like to invite you all to host your resources and such on the server if you would like to (not obligated of course). I will happily create channels for Shadowgate NES and give moderator roles to your current moderator team. Happy gaming y'all.


Maxine_MagicFox 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka142 months ago

I know this community is largely inactive, but I have made a server to host information and resources for Shadowgate 64, and I felt it appropriate to invite other Shadowgate fans and runners too. Please feel free to join the server and I will happily create channels to facilitate Shadowgate (2014).


Kentucky, USAKefka143 months ago

I have ran Any% at several marathons in the past year or so, but this was the largest event the game has ever been shown at before. It seemed worth archiving here.

Kentucky, USAKefka147 months ago

In the past year, a new strategy has been implemented to save time in the Switch version of the game. This time save may also apply to PC and Xbox as well, but I am unsure. Here are the details.

When beating a level, the "World Complete" stamp appears. In all cases, the game then takes a few moments before going back to the title screen/book. It was discovered that quitting the game and reopening it once the stamp appears is faster than waiting for the title screen to load.

This brings into question the validity and use of this strategy, as a level isn't considered "Beaten" within the game until the title screen loads upon finishing a level. As such the small community in the discord server seems to have come to two conclusions related to the tech.

  1. Since we allow the use of pre-beaten files for running the game, the tech should be banned for Any% and 100% runs to more naturally progress through the game.
  2. Since New Game Plus runs have the levels beaten already, this new tech should be allowed for NG+ and be pushed as far as possible.

Before implementing any rules regarding the ban of a strategy, I wanted to raise the issue here as well for open discussion. Thanks!

Kentucky, USAKefka147 months ago

Hello all!

I have been speedrunning this game on Switch for a couple years now and have recently been added as a mod. As such I wanted to say hello and also note a few small changes I have made just for transparency.

  1. I have clarified some rules for 100% New Release. Specifically on the Switch and Xbox release, there is an additonal Space level. I updated the rules to include that for those versions.
  2. I have made a note in the rules that Kiwi 64 is NOT required for a 100% run.
  3. I have updated the timing method for the Space level to say that timing ends upon reaching the ship since there is no "World Complete" stamp at the end.
  4. I have retimed the 2nd place 100% New Release Switch run to remove the addition of Kiwi 64 being played, bringing the time from a 23:24 down to 17:24.
  5. I have added an additional tab for Xbox runs since the game has also been released for modern Xbox consoles. Hopefully this encourages some new Xbox runners to run the game!
  6. I added some general info under the overall game rules that just reiterate a few things for extra clarity.

If anybody has any issues with these changes, I am glad to discuss them! Happy running folks

Kentucky, USAKefka147 months ago

I could just be bad, but best I can tell the invincibility glitch is patched on the Switch release. Can somebody confirm this for me please? It would be super appreciated.

Kentucky, USAKefka148 months ago

Something worth noting (curious as to if it has happened to others). I got hit with two DMCA strikes on Twitch for streaming this game and doing runs.

Kentucky, USAKefka149 months ago

Hello all.

I was wondering if a full game category could be added to speedrun the Ranger mode. Thank you!

Kentucky, USAKefka149 months ago

Hello. I am learning this speedrun and I notice that there is a major time difference between PS2, Gamecube and if you play Gamecube on a Wii. I wanted to ask about how this has been dealt with before or if it has, and if not, would a leaderboard splitting the various consoles be in order? Thanks!

Kentucky, USAKefka1411 months ago

Hey guys. You should join the Nightmare Creatures discord server!


Kentucky, USAKefka141 year ago

Hey everybody. I remember a time in roughly 2014-2015 where a lot of people suddenly got into this game and grinded it pretty heavily. Upon doing some digging, the runner featured at SGDQ 2015 isn't even on the leaderboard (unless they were banned or have a different username I am unaware of).

Is a lot of the history surrounding this game lost in time? Am I incorrect in the amount of traction the game got back in that time period? Is this a Mandela effect situation?

CainCalifornia 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka141 year ago

Hey all. Some questions regarding rules and things I've noticed.

First, the current Emu WR is listed as a 13:14, but the run ends with a 13:24, is this a mistake or is there some sort of timing discrepancy I am unaware of?

Second, the leaderboard allows for Wii Homebrew, does that include mGBA? Just wanted to clarify. Much thanks!

Zomb_Slays 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka141 year ago

Hey there. I submitted a run yesterday and I plan to submit more, but I specifically wanted to ask if we could get the Japanese region of the game added to the "Region Selection" metric when submitting runs. I have discovered that the JP version has some time saves and I plan to switch over at some point soon to that version, but as it currently stands I can only select US/NTSC region. Thanks!

Kentucky, USAKefka141 year ago

Hello all.

I have discovered a new route for 100% that saves time, but more importantly the route forgoes having to watch the end cutscenes.

As such, a rule change will be implemented for the category in the coming days.

Time will end when the final boss is defeated, much like any%. All 64 gadgets (there are 67 in total, but three come from the final cutscenes) must be collected before fighting the final boss. As such, all runs will be REQUIRED to record until getting back to file select, to show that all 67 gadgets were collected for verification purposes.

Brobey 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka142 years ago

Are there any tutorials of the newest route used for Any% unrestricted (specifically the Moon warp during first cycle etc)? I wanted to run the game a bit back, but was ultimately turned off due to the length (yes 20+ minutes is too long for me personally lol). Now that the category is even shorter, I wanna give it a shot. Thanks!

Kentucky, USAKefka142 years ago

Hello all.

There are some changes about to take place on the leaderboard. I have reached out to all moderators individually as well, but I wanted to outline some of these changes here before moving forward as to not surprise anybody.

  1. Emulator and Console runs will be SEPARATED. This decision is the result of research by several runners (including myself) that have confirmed that Emulator provides a unique advantage that applies to any Tournament Belt run. Specifically, the results screen can be dismissed immediately on Emulator, but not console. This effects the Ring-Outs categories more, but separating all of them makes the most sense. I will leave a function to see all runs compared against each other for reference, but the default, will become console/hardware runs. I know that this may anger some runners of the game, but the advantages provided, short length of runs and the growing community make this more integral now than it was before.

  2. Inactive moderators will be removed, and new moderators are going to be added. Any current moderators that DO NOT want to removed, please respond to my message or here in this forum post.

  3. No-Ring Outs is now the default category for the game. Ring-Outs simply put is very close to being fully optimized (if it isn't already). As such, No Ring-Outs is a better candidate for our default.

  4. Some minor rule changes (that are less changes really, more so clarification). Ring-Outs runs may ONLY be won via Ring-Out. Lastly, TKO runs must ONLY have TKO set as the method of elimination, and all other win conditions must be set to OFF. Any TKO runs that do not display the rules screen with with these conditions met, will be rejected. This will not apply to any TKO runs set before this clarification was made, as those runs have already been verified to have only TKO eliminations, but for the sake of simpler retiming, having the rule set clearly dictate that TKO is the only possible way of elimination makes sense.

bradenexplosion, Megamatt79 2 其他 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka142 years ago

Hello. I started this leaderboard years ago, being the only person on it and expecting it to mostly remain that way or not much bigger. I am very pleased as to how the community has grown into a full fledged scene over the years to completely shatter my expectations.

With that, I have stepped down as a moderator and I am retiring from the game entirely (I may run again eventually). This scene is just big enough to be a bit above my technical skill to moderate properly, and furthermore, my job demands a lot of my time via touring/traveling and I won't be able to have a level of consistency that you all deserve for your hard work and dedication. I wanted to thank everybody for continuing to push the game, coming up with cool new categories to run and just being awesome in general. Looking forward to seeing what you guys and new runners will do over the years.

grnts, Mr_Shy_Guy 8 其他 喜欢这个
Kentucky, USAKefka142 years ago

Hello everybody. Just yesterday, a new skip was found in the N64 game Chameleon Twist. More or less, using some of the games movement (tongue vaults) we can clip through doors in the stage Kids Land.

As a community, we have known about door clipping for a bit now, but the doors in Kids Land are somewhat different. As such, it took years for us to be able to successfully clip one of the doors. The door in question is the exit door in the room with 5 platforms (one of these platforms will be illuminated for reference).

The CT community is looking into creating consistent setups for the trick and need all the help we can get! This trick could potentially push the game to sub 10 minutes if we can figure it out. Below you will find two links, one that shows off the first successful attempt at clipping through one of the doors in the stage (done by Custom) and another that shows the inputs via TAS and with a different camera position (done by CyanideGunner)

There is a $100 bounty for a consistent setup.

Ivory 喜欢这个
I run.
9 years ago
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Chameleon Twist
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最近一次操作 26 days ago
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Shadowgate (2017)
最近一次操作 18 days ago