Jimmygod5 years ago


I've seen a bunch of speedruns of this game over the past years, and have always loved playing it too. So I figured why not get into both it and speedrunning in general? With that, I have a bunch of questions:

Note: This is for a 100% run

  1. Is there a way to tell which version of the game I have? Its definitely NTSC (I'm from the US), but have no idea which version, and is it THAT big of a deal? I gave a brief overview of the stickied thread and it doesn't seem like much of an issue, but wanted to be sure.

  2. Is FFM REALLY required before every single attempt? That seems like a massive pain to have to spend 3 minutes or so just to do a run, even if its minuscule to the 2.5+ required hours.

  3. I'm not sure how much time I'd be able to put into it, considering working, and I've never (seriously) speedrun a game before. Is it a good idea to practice individual levels before attempting a full run? I already know about 80%+ of the game by heart, so it would mostly be learning specific routes and tricks. That being said...

  4. It seems heavily movement based but not super technically intensive. Besides watching the 100% Beginner speedrun and going from there, is there anything else you recommend. Specific tricks to practice?

If I think of anything else I'll get back to you. I already have a capture card, by the way but haven't set it up. I used to used a separate one entirely to capture other games, so I just need to quickly learn how to use this one.

Thank you again for those of who you want to help!

5 years ago
5 years ago