American SamoaJerryTubs5 years ago

Hy guys, i recently (a few weeks ago) bought my first PS ever. I knew about these big AAA games for the PS like the spiderman game or Red Dead2, the last of us, but i'd like to play with something less known, less "mainstream". I'd like to play games that aren't these games i sae before getting the system. So far i've played and finished InFamous Second Son. This was the game that first of all got me into the PS world, i loved how interactive it was at times, for example the spray paint parts. I own Ratchet&Clank and Fallout4. What else could you guys recommend me? Im planning on getting Bloodborne, Until Dawn and maybe Resident Evil 7, but i don't know much about the hiding masterpieces that surely PS has. Like Journey. https://www.spanish55.com/

5 years ago
5 years ago