通关记录: Beyond Good & Evil
GermanyJKxWinG4 months ago
通关记录: Sworn
GermanyJKxWinG6 months ago

you might wanna make a highlightvideo or your run will be not available to be watched in a few month

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

i found the thing that throw me off for the last 5 month: the jingle first starts before the timer actually starts... that can be abused to make the wakeup shorter ... most of the time its only 1-2 sek ... but it can be saved up to 5 sek. here is the video i made about this.

please vote if this should be banned, allowed, or retimed.

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

oh you are talking about orbtale ... not protoventure (which is placed behind the desert) ... yes orbtale should work ...

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

i would have done the replacement if it would be possible, but change categorys from fullgame to IL is not that easy. i ask friends from other speedrun games that could propably kow how.

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

another idea ^^: get all skins

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

that would be nice because i worked over the wiki i actually have a fast list now:

Princess needed for endings #42, #45, #50, #51, #52, #53, #55, #57, #64, #69, #72, #73, #75, #76, #78, #81, #82, #86, #90, #92, #93 and #94.

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

and how about a category related to all princess endings?

those would be: 42, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 64, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 86, 90, 92, 93, 94

not included mimic (23, 74, 99)

or an all mimic (fearless% ?) ^^: 23, 74, 75, 99

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

you can actually not get to the protoventure with 3 or more items, also collect hook after the tower chicken of course ^^ so max with free walk around is 8 and with princess or fishing rod (no weight too but a forced ending) its 9.

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

doesn't protoventure instantly kick you out of the game?

so things you can do is: get map compass and hugs (no weight) [3] get sword and hook [5] climb the tower get the chicken (no weight) [6] get back to town with the cannon and collect 2 other regular items [8] then get princess [9] and then protoventure [10]

主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG2 years ago

I really would enjoy a bit longer categorys, beside going for all endings.

something in the range of 30 min to 1 hour or a bit over 1 hour.

something like: compass%: get 33 endings and collect the compass from a new file (in game time)

and map%: get 66 endings and collect the map from a new file (in game time)

Patardo Herr_Blumentopf 喜欢这个
主题: Reventure
GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

tried running and i am 2 sek behind on 5minutes longer (20/100) changed all settings to also what thegamingdwiz has stil behind, so i tried this but my game instantly closes again. someone has a another fix to get older version?

edit: got an older version, but its still a time issue. therfor look into the new thread: https://www.speedrun.com/reventure/thread/iolqz

GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

i just noticed how messed up the WR history looks like if you have a lot of categorys. i did send a bug report to the speedrun.com-team, hope they can fix it

GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

thats to be honest not the biggest problem of it ... land on specific spaces 15 times (bowser, chance, vs etc) i saw people with a lot of games and still not those ... and way harder are the reach level 99 in the 2 challenge puzzle games.

GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

there are actually 2 mp8 minigames

Jaaay 喜欢这个
GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

good luck for those who go for all achievments ... level 99 on the rekord games look pretty hard to me

Jaaay 喜欢这个
GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

if you have a better solution for the rules that is also fine for all the runners (so they dont have to recalibrate multiple times each running day) then tell us please.

GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

yes we know about that.

thats why we want to see the calibration in i30 runs. if you reach 100 with barly touching the ringcon we can then say its not intended because of wrong calibration.

if you have problems reach 100 in adventure you should recalibrate your main menu push and pulls.

because adventure calibration is based on main menu calibration. imagine you did the main menu when you were on full power, or even crazier if someone else did main menu calibration. and then in adventure you can not reach the same power level.

just be aware we watching how much you push/pull and if something is wrong we gonna message/rejekt runs or edit it to "not intended".

GermanyJKxWinG3 years ago

for everyone who wonders about this: there was an update in summer 2020. after that update you can change the voice in the ingame menu. also only the voice-language matters about the speed. you can stay at your normal text-language.

8 years ago
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