主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush2 years ago

Well recently I'm using the xcloud service to play, so if I do a speedrun does it fit in: PC or Xbox one? It may be a kind of obvious question but I was in doubt haha

BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

oh thank you so much, it helps me be clearer and help your work: 3

BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

well I posted a run and ended up questioning myself, I'm playing streets of rage 4 on my PC through the gamepass service, so can I put it in the PC category? or console? I don't know which one is preferred for moderators, I want to make it easier for you: 3

主题: The Site
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

hmmm I am uninformed, for what reasons specifically would not enter?

主题: The Site
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

I'm looking to add the streets of rage remake fan game. and I would like to know if before I send a request with my run to be approved. is it more likely to pass if I send it as a new series of streets of rage or as a separate game? since already grateful for the answer

主题: Talk
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

sorry for the delay to reply. Thanks a lot for the help ;)

主题: Deltarune
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

ow thanks, either way i can put the normal files in english again to prevent.

主题: Deltarune
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

Is there a problem with changing the game language for my local region? (Brazil) When I played for the first time I wanted to put it because I was too lazy to read everything in English (yes hahaha)

主题: Talk
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

well there is a game in which i would like you to enter the site which is the streets of rage remake (i think it would be interesting) i don't know if it would be possible but is there any area on the site where you can ask to add?

主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

yes yes for example xbox one has an emulator supported in the browser. so this would have to be asked of the mods when sending the run right? I thank you for your answer; 0

主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

My question is simple, I would like to know how speed runs with a console allowed eg xbox one (yes i never tried to speed on a console. So on xbox one for example where there is an emulator in the browser is it allowed to use it? or just xbox games?

主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

ow thanks for help Timmiluvs. it was something so simple that I was breaking my head haha

Osmosis_Jones 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush4 years ago

Well then, my problem is basically recording speed runs on the gens emulator of the mega drive. when i use livesplit when i click on it for it to work and then the gens commands stop working and i have to click on the gens window right? and then it goes back to window mode, so I’d like to know if there is a solution for that

BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

lately my runs are being evaluated because whoever validated my run put a note that the time was wrong so I wanted a suggestion not to make this mistake anymore, am I starting the timer too soon? evening? give me a touch haha

主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

I would suggest to put it on but as nobody put it I found it strange and figured out that someone had already asked and had been refused

SauceRainShinobi 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

Why streets of rage remake is not in the fan category? I think he deserved to have speed run categories for him. I particularly think it's a good fan game and it would be very interesting if he entered. But I also do not know if they accept games that are already old

主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

It was exactly that expensive thank you haha ​​it was something very simple but I'm still inexperienced with the livesplit thank you from ja

主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

Wow it was something so simple yeah that solved my problem thank you Javolta from the livesplit subject I'm still lay and I'm learning a few things haha ​​excuse me and once again thank you sir

Tron_Javolta 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

the livesplit itself works only if you click on the counter before? because if I click on some other window and execute the command to start it simply does not start and it gets in a few runs

BrazilHandCrush5 years ago

Oh thank you SM Izumi I really doubt this

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