Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei4 years ago

Hello everyone.

It's been a very good time recently for Turok, as we have made new discoveries! A new route has been established for Any% using new tech and an Autosplitter has been made by Glurmo for this route.

However, we've also made a discovery that adds a new requirement to all new submissions going forward. It has been proven that the higher your FPS is, the faster you'll move in the game.

Players could play the game on a 144hz monitor and achieve a maximum value of 63 FPS, while players stuck with a 60hz monitor could only achieve a maximum value of 62.7.

To ensure competition is fair across the board, we've decided to implement a rule stating that you have to cap the game's FPS at 62.4 for your run to be valid. If your FPS exceeds 62.4 at any given point in the run, your run will be rejected to the leaderboards. To prove this, you need to display your FPS at all times.

The number 62.4 was chosen as the FPS limit as it can easily be reached on any patch that isn't current, regardless of hardware.

You can do this through the use of the Nvidia Control Panel and Steam, or Rivatuner if you don't use Nvidia based hardware. I personally suggest using Rivatuner.

Here's how to cap your FPS:

  1. Boot up Rivatuner
  2. Press the green "Add" box and navigate to Turok's .exe and select it
  3. Press the blue "Setup" box and uncheck the "Display integer framerate" box
  4. On the right side of the main window, enter "62.4" as the Framerate limit and hit Enter
  5. On the right side of the main window at the bottom, enable "Show own statistics"

Ensure Rivatuner is always running when you are streaming / recording your runs. If you are using OBS, ensure the Game Capture of Turok allows for Third Party Overlays (found in Properties) to ensure the Rivatuner display is not spazzing out.

If you have any further questions on how submissions are handled, or if you want help setting anything up, feel free to join the official Turok Speedrunning Discord, we are always happy to help.

Happy speedrunning!

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

Plenty of speedruns have mashing as a part of their speedtech in many areas of their runs. Just don't grind the game for hours every single day and you'll be fine.

Stairskating is annoying for sure because there's no real cap to it; the faster you mash, the faster you go. If you want optimized times, you must be ready to give it your all. This makes the game not so grind friendly for some people, especially if you're like me. The point is, that's fine. This is just one of those games that you have to take your time with and not grind out immediately.

It seems a lot of people who want turbo to be legal want it because of how they personally feel about it. This is the wrong approach. Soph put it best; it's a skill element. If we're talking accessibility, while it would make the game more accessible, it removes skill factor and undermines the run quite a bit, as a large portion of it is stairskating correctly. There is no randomness attached to stairskating either which makes it one of the few proper techniques that is solely based on how you handle the situation in this game.

I vote no. I think remapping in DS already is a stupid thing, but it is better than turbo. Liv also makes valid points that also points out flaws in the usage of turbo, as it does make menuing incredibly fast. Quickshooting would most likely also be affected in this case, but I cannot verify this. If we remove stairskating, quickshots and menuing as factors... what does this game even have then? RNG zombie dodges. 4Head

Zero, MrDweirdo 3 其他 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

Hi Ramasaurus,

Sorry for the delayed response. You can submit speedruns played on the Switch version of the game! Switch runs will be paired with the other platforms for Turok 1 EX (Remastered). I'll be updating the boards with the option to choose Switch when submitting.

Cheers, and good luck!

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

You're not hitting the eye on the back, so he doesn't get stunned from the bonus damage.

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

What FPS setting is this on?

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

Here's generally a good G4 fight:

As the fight starts, shoot a few of his eyes with the minigun. Walk a bit backwards and throw a grenade so it detonates as he lands in front of you. Once he's in front of you, knife him 2-3 times with the intent to knock as many eyes as possible. If done right, he'll instantly go to climb. Wait for him to start the climbing animation, and then throw a grenade.

When he's knocked down from the wall, knife him 1-2 times again making sure you pop eyes. If you're too slow getting away, he will swipe you. When you're running from his swipe, he will regenerate enough eyes for your grenade to deal max damage. When you're a decent distance away, throw the grenade, and finish the fight with the minigun.

The entire fight is based of how many eyes are being popped, so spamming knife and grenades when his eyes aren't up wastes time.

H1pp0_ vhpiasson 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

^ This is a good question.

This is where NMG and MG category names becomes relevant. Item duping is generally a major glitch I'd say.

NuZ 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

Yes. For G4, if you skip the cutscene way too fast, the screen will be frozen in place but you can sometimes see the subtitles of what should be playing pop up. No sound though.

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

I honestly cannot see why people are complaining about having a fair board.

The proposed solution is to have one category that is free for all, do whatever you want. You want to break the game as much as possible? Play MG/any%.

Do you want to be on the same competitive floor as the majority are capable of playing on? Play NMG. If this was locked to 30, then I can understand frustration. But 60 is a smooth experience. Not comparable to 144, but it is still not bad, and it allows for a good amount of people to compete. You can't please everyone, but you should strive to please a majority in this context. There is no 120 setting in-game, and limiting it using outside software should never be required - just as LiveSplit or SRT's are never required.

Knife strats works for all bosses in this mode - atleast from a Claire A perspective. The only difference gameplay wise is that you can't solely rely on it for any other boss than G1.

In my mind, the biggest factor for wanting to play NMG is so I can truly just stop caring about stupid things such as OoB. Can we just keep it that way? Again, I see no negatives, other than "wah I have to look at 60 fps how dreadful"

MisterMunkki mackmcd 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

Stairskating (if you can call it that) will still be allowed and knifing in general will still be allowed. The only reason higher FPS is banned is because it's super inconsistent damage-wise and people with monster machines will simply deal more damage.

So fear not, you'll still be able to do fast strats on NMG 60. :)

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei5 years ago

Chiming in to say that I am definitely for the proposed NMG and MG categories. I cannot consistently get a high FPS count during certain boss battles, and in my personal opinion pretty much all the segments are really fun to route - making me personally dislike OoB stuff.

I want people to enjoy running the game and I want them to be able to do all the cool shit, while I want to do a more traditional RE run. If we can have both on the leaderboards, it's the best of all worlds!

主题: Dandara
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei6 years ago

Hey everyone!

With the launch of the new patch, fixing a lot of stuff and opening up new opportunities for speedtech (and removing some of the old) the community has decided that all future runs must be submitted on the latest version; 1.1.4.

This is because the older version is unobtainable through legal means, and to make competition fair.

cleverpidgeon 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei6 years ago

For the PC version, you want to do a series of inputs in rather quick succession.

For example, to get to the 6th slot almost immediately, as you're opening your inventory you want to press down and right really quickly. I'm sure of them you can even just hold the button and you'll get there almost instantaneously.

The ones I know are:

4th slot: Down + Left 5th slot: Right + Down 6th slot: Down + Right 7th slot: Down + Right + Right 8th slot: Down + Right + Left

Do correct me if I'm wrong on any of these. It's been a while.

主题: Dandara
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei6 years ago

Hey guys.

We've now officially opened up a speedrunning Discord for Dandara. It's been filled with some strats, but other than that, no real activity yet. If you want to join, go ahead and use the link below!


Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei6 years ago


If you are unfamiliar with movement in general, I suggest learning Jill NG+ first. That way you'll get a hang of a lot of the camera changes present in the game.

When you feel confident on that, I'd move on to Jill any% or Jill 100%. While a tad bit more unforgiving in terms of mistakes, Jill has the easier routes because of how she deals with bosses and her extra inventory space.

Happy running!

主题: DOOM
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei7 years ago

I do not see the point in removing the glitchless category.

In a game such as this where the any% classic speedrun skips a majority of the game in terms of content and fights, a glitchless category has its place. I'm not going to argue about there being any challenge present or not - both categories are difficult in their own ways. And that's the beauty of it - the speedruns are completely different with the same end goal, and the difference in time is quite large! Not only do I think it's good to keep the category because of this reason, but also because it can potentially appeal to a wider range of runners.

Besides, what is the negative side of keeping the option available to players? It's a tab that isn't in focus for the visitors of the boards, considering the popular categories are the default ones being shown. There's no real clogging from what I can see - the boards are fairly tidy as it is!

As pentaleks stated earlier as well, there exists a less popular category that does not seem to receive any similar treatment. Is it because the "rules are fleshed out"? Or does it simply narrow down to people not liking it, which is.. you know.. extremely subjective and quite irrelevant when there, quite frankly, does exist interest in it as well. It's pretty much a stalemate at that point.

The whole purpose of this category is not defeated by the arguements given. The fact remains that the runs are incredibly different and provides two different ways of playing the game. What you say is true; at this point defining a glitch in this game is incredibly difficult. But it is also quite easy to see what is 'intended', and the rules flesh that part out quite well I feel.

"No OOB" "No GK-Skip" "No Animation Cancel" "No BFG-Bosskill"

These things are quite clearly not intended by the developers. And these rules are fine! These are the things that makes this game "glitchless." Let's take Ocarina of Time Glitched vs. Glitchless as an example. There are tricks in the glitchless run that could definitely be considered glitches, but since it is extremely hard to tell, and the tricks in question do not break the game entirely, they let it slip. The same could work here. And this is something that could develop over time. I also think like pentaleks on this one: the category isn't fully explored yet.

I'm in the process of learning glitchless, so hopefully you won't disregard what I have to say simply because I don't have a run on the boards yet. But it'd be pretty disappointing to see this category go away for no valid reason. And if I'm honest, from an objective point of view this only seems to hurt the game rather than the opposite because there are no flaws present with having the option available. If it's a meme run to the rest of the community, then it would be better to place it under misc - don't remove it entirely.

Ailko bjurnie 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei7 years ago

Hi everyone,

since this link is mainly present within the Turok: Dinosaur Hunter thread on the forums, I figured it'd be ideal to put it in here as well as it is a general Turok speedrunning Discord. Feel free to join!


Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei7 years ago

In a way, yes. I agree with how you want to do it. Since you used RE4 as a reference, where they separate the versions based on tabs, but still have the same categories.

The only thing I don't want is another RE2 leaderboard that has all different versions under one banner.

Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei7 years ago

Naturally, if the boards were merged, runs from both versions would not fall under the same categories. That'd be dumb.

I support this idea though. It's easier to find one central hub rather than two - and could potentially bring communities closer.

Roo 喜欢这个
Dalarna, SwedenGrowthKasei7 years ago

We were in the talks of making one, but neither Instagibz or myself seems to have the time for it currently. It's been requested before as well, but as of right now, I don't see anyone working on one anytime soon.

Olyroo 喜欢这个
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