Anything you can do through the game's keybind settings is fair game.
The rules also govern what remaps are allowed from outside the game: "Third-party tools to change button/key mappings are allowed under the following constraints: Analog and digital signals can only be mapped to analog and digital forms of input respectively (button to button, stick to stick. For example, you may not bind analog stick positions to a single button press). Macros of any kind, turbo functions or bindings of any kind which bind a single button to multiple actions are not allowed."
You can set keybinds before you do any runs. And both of the changes you describe sound perfectly fine.
Gadgetlemage runs are allowed on the dropmod leaderboard. See the latest News post for more info.
I have a bunch of random suggestions.
Reboot your computer
Maybe a game file got corrupted, in which case run the "verify game file integrity" thing if on steam, or if not, re-extract the game files from the original zip archive you got the game from
run windows updates (I'm assuming you're on windows) cuz why not
Run the following cmd commands in this order: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth, sfc /scannow. classic IT.
Reinstall windows, EZ
For whatever it's worth, the current SL1 NWW record is on console, and is the only console run for that category. If a console subcategory is created for that, it would be moved to its own subcategory and be first place by default.
Besides that, I don't really understand a reason to prefer either way of organizing the board. It's an aesthetic difference at the end of the day; if you filter the board by console runs only, you see a leaderboard that looks exactly like what the console leaderboard you want would look like, you just have to click different buttons to see it. Shrug.