通关记录: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago

Yeah just use , and . on videos to move frame by frame, if the fps were higher than 48 there might be a frame before 2.999 and the time would be lower...

Myriad01, XeiveX, beatrixwashere 喜欢这个
通关记录: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago

damn! Nice Time! The map is starting to be somewhat optimized. Definitely harder than it looks like.

通关记录: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago


Myriad01 喜欢这个
通关记录: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago


Myriad01 喜欢这个
主题: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago

You can't have a map that doesn't allow you to move forward (you also have to press forward for the race to start) but you could have a map design that makes moving backwards the fastest but it would probably have to be short, you could also simply have rules for the level that prohibits from moving forward on the level. All we have is a way to have custom maps that are impossible to create with the editor but modifying the code of the game would be cheating

主题: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago

since the map is slightly different anyway

主题: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago

I mean as a new row not a new column

主题: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r11 months ago

Can we let Track 2 backwards be it's own level at least?

主题: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r1 year ago

I've begin the reverse engineering of the map data.

A modified version of base64 (btoa in js) is used to encode information, basically it does a base64 then replaces "+" with "-", the "/" with "_" and removes the "=" signs (oposite order for decoding ofc)

The data works like this: -Starts with "v1n" -Number of characters composing the title of the map as a byte (encoded) -The title (not encoded only url encoded) -Information about the map (encoded)

The map information is basically numbers like the block id and block positions, I haven't yet determined how they are arranged and used I'm a bit tired but I have found the code where it is interpreted.

I'll give more details in the discord custom maps

Lets_goo_1234, MaxyMemes 2 其他 喜欢这个
通关记录: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r1 year ago

Idk maybe I'll try at one point

主题: PolyTrack
FranceGoZ3r1 year ago

That's awesome. How is the map data encoded/decoded?

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