New York, USAGamerzBeHatin3 years ago

I think it could be a good idea, I'm not super well-versed in the slideshow since I usually ignore it/skip it, but I do remember a few base "endings" being shown in an any% run, imo I'd classify a "good" ending as all of the base slide endings being positive when shown, and then a possible 2nd category depending on how many additional slides can be added, "best" ending, which would be all base slides plus all positive optional slides added as well, maybe "all ending slides" if there's some always negative ones as well. I am garbage at routing, but submitting a run will most likely get better attention from the mods even if its not optimized at all

StableState 喜欢这个
New York, USAGamerzBeHatin3 years ago

I can't speak for the mods, but I'm sure if you do a run and post it here you'll have a better chance of the category being added

lisaroxroxrox 喜欢这个
New York, USAGamerzBeHatin6 years ago

id be all for an El Vibrato%, if you have a route in mind or part of a route in mind so far let me know and I can try one and see how it goes

New York, USAGamerzBeHatin6 years ago

since we've added necromancey% to the category list, Any% currently uses the turnip ending and hard hat uses the fight ending, why not add the last 2 endings to the categories and show off a ton more that this game can offer. I will attempt to do a run of each soon if people would like these, however I am not very good at routing so the times will be incredibly shit until better routing is found

New York, USAGamerzBeHatin6 years ago

idk if people would want to/can try to get the old patch files from the devs so we don't have to change anything

New York, USAGamerzBeHatin6 years ago

as you may or may not have seen, the game got a UI overhaul in the last few hours at the time of this. with it, came a new character menu that changes how fast you can spend the xp compared to the older version, as well as changing the encounter button order (i.e. if an option is greyed out, it doesn't advance the number required to push, see screenshots below for clarification). in addition to these, the bug to be able to take items/interact while away from the object in question is no longer in the game (i.e. you can no longer pick up the needle from the haystack in the tutorial unless you stand directly on it) with this new UI and changes, would we have to redo our old category times for the changes, or just leave them there and hope people can beat them on the new patch? screenshots: https://gyazo.com/0bc0ca0e3c39b80864ecbb24bca10780 https://gyazo.com/3f64977bd514e559e33e090c90e7d25c

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