Hi guys there is any links to download the game?
The link of the srt on the resources its not working well it downloads withs 0 Kb
Hello for the moment we are not looking for another moderator
Hi guy's i have problems installing the mod i don't know why. My game crashes at the start and i can't put the rebirth patch damn
There is anyway to get the SRT working on ketu 1.0?
Hi everyone I don't know why but when i use the game for example try to get the stars key i don't see the numbers just the letters
As a console runner there is no so many categories optimized on the game (maybe assisted but not fully), but yeah it doesn’t matter what time you have when you pause. That pause at the start of the run it’s something that we must do, because it would help us to see if the time subimitted is right or not
We need to do the same as Re 7 from substracting the time as the only way to make this possible the use of IGT but like Mike said we need to checkout every option before making the right call and for the moment RTA for console is the best option
Stream on console has the timer on top for the RTA but it’s something to see and discuss
Hello where can I download the game ?
It could start in the church and with the inventory that you got in the autoscroller with the lycans and please be on console as well
In my opinion RTA should only be use on PC you got the splits but for console better with the IGT
When you finish the battle with Miranda should stop and the could be after you select the difficulty
How you kill him? Going back after killing the doll?
On NG I just got 2:20 but obviously has a lot of time save