United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

But then why doesn’t nkg count? He’s a boss that people avoid fighting by the banishment route, so shouldn’t runners have to fight him as well?

United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Oh thanks, I wasn’t exactly sure what APB stood for, and if I guessed all pantheon bosses I didn’t make the connection to Zote. Thanks!

United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Hi, I was watching the 112% APB WR recently and was wondering why runners vouch to save Zote. Don’t get me wrong, he’s one of my favorite characters, but wouldn’t it be faster to not save him? Otherwise you wouldn't need to fight Great Prince Zote 3 times and also save him twice. Maybe it's for the essence? Im not sure, so I was hoping someone on here could give me an answer.

United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Hi guys! Spo is top five video games of all time for me, I remember finally beating the bruisers and was so proud of my like 100 win 150 loss record lol. So far I have only ran Mario games (smo, NSM2, Bf, Nsmwii) but I really want to branch into this game as I love it. But first I have a few questions before I learn how to run it.

First of all, are you allowed to die? I’m really bad at some of the later fights especially the third to last one thats a grandpa (sry I forgot his name) ig if I practice I could do it it just seems really hard that way.

Second is there restrictions for running on snes classic? That’s what I would have to use.

Thirdly, is there a good beginner tutorial you guys recommend? If not I can probably copy wr movement but a guide would be great!

Finally, am I allowed to just submit a video of the credits sequence with all my times?


Oh_my_gourdness 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

When you land in the temple is when you gain control of link, that is when you can start moving him around

Oh_my_gourdness 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

The goat of botw is back for more

cocm43 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Now my pb is 1:15:51, and I think my problem was resetting way too often so that I’m a little too good at cap cascade and sand for my own good. (I’ve gotten an 11:59 exit out of sand once. I’m trying to learn how to do the madam broodal fight fast but am a little confused on when to let go of holding Cappy after I backflip. Any segusstion?

Oh_my_gourdness, Fintan0, grntsz 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago


Hopefully the link works, at the end of this level I found you can save 5 seconds by wall jumping over and ignoring the key

Oh_my_gourdness 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Yeah I mean this is a better idea than most ideas

Oh_my_gourdness cdLevo 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

This game just came out, as well as speed runs. Can we just focus on the main categories for now?

Oh_my_gourdness 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Oh ok. I don’t have the practice mod and don’t really want to mod my switch so maybe I’ll use save states

Kalaphant, Oh_my_gourdness, grntsz 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

What are il speed runs? I just got a pb of 1:17:57 so I did it!

Oh_my_gourdness grntsz 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

Oh_my_gourdness grntsz 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Yeah I used a mixture of Smallant and tomshi to learn my route. I’m really bad at the battle against the broodal mech, I always end up falling,

Oh_my_gourdness grntsz 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

I’m not currently on the leaderboard, but my unofficial pb is 1:18:59. I have been running every day but i always end up messing up somewhere. For example, in the splits below, I have to wait for mecha wiggler to run around again, and then lose time, and in seaside I accidentally clipped back in bounds and didn’t know the backup answer for talking to the sphinx. Then, the run died due to dying in luncheon 3 times. I am racing another runner with a pb of 1:17, and am grinding so hard to beat him that I can’t wait to beat him so I can finally take a break. Please help! I’m desperate. https://share.icloud.com/photos/01fqlI2XE27NNZ_Hx0TJ6I-uw

Oh_my_gourdness, Chiken_11, grntsz 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Do you know how much time 99999999 coins saves?

Oh_my_gourdness ajl721 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

487 is SO ANNOYING! I can’t ever get it, bc it is such a tight cycle. How do they jump so fast?

Oh_my_gourdness ajl721 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Thank you! Last night I was watching world 6 on the wr and realized I missed a lot of optimization in world 6. I usually do make it all the way across in 6-1, and usually would have reset, but I hadn’t made it this far in a video. I realized I could do 6-4 with p speed and 6-5 without it. I have been trying the 1-T movement that is in wr but can never hit the cycle. Also, (might be a dumb question) why do you need to hit 2000 on the flag pole? Is that for every level?

Oh_my_gourdness 喜欢这个
United StatesF5Gabe1 year ago

Hi, I just submitted a run with video. I used apple I cloud to submit bc I filmed it on my phone, so not sure if it will go through, but it is a minute off pb so not great and I made a lot of stupid mistakes. If you could give me tips after watching it I would help a lot.

Oh_my_gourdness ajl721 喜欢这个
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