Based on the video below, it's possible to blow up the cart with the helicopter while the plane with Allen O'Neil is touching it. This will leave his ship with 1 HP. You can find it around time 10:10
In order for this to happen, the place needs to be low to the ground, and launch a missile as it's first action, or backup up really fast. This will allow you to blow up the car with the helicopter while dealing a large amount of damage to the plane.
There is a possibility that the plane's hitbox clips inside the car while it explodes, but further tests are required.
I have attempted to replicate it and have only succeeded once so far.
Jackafur did it on actual hardware.
There are a few bugs in this game, including enemies jumping into pits, magic gem manipulation, item duplication and being out of bounds.
Item Duplication We can duplicate items in hidden chests if they are picked up before the ¤tick¤ pick up sound and the item pop up in the upper right corner of the screen. This can be done with the Backscratcher, as for some reason it picks up all items in hidden chests, or jumping over the chest and picking it up manually. This second method is a little more difficult, but saving before hand, and some practice, it would be fairly easy.
Magic Gem Manipulation or Gem Duplication This glitch, abuses how the game registers the use of gems. When channeling magic that involves multiple gems, it is possible to interrupt the next gem in line, by picking up another gem. This picked up gem, will have the same properties as the gem initially next in line, but will return back to that colour when dropped. This isn't a viable speed strat, but it is useful to cast Healing with only 2 blue gems. It's fairly tricky to get the the timing down, so practice is required.
Strange Enemy Movements Many enemies have some sort of jump or lunging attack. It is possible to stand near a pit and have them jump to their doom. You won't gain any gems from them, but it's sure safer to have them fall off then to potentially take damage. Sometimes, when you attack and enemy into a protruding (sticking out) corner, it might clip through and fall out of bounds. As for why, no clue. My guess is that some corners overlap and the game is trying to push them back in bounds but they end up being pushed into the second wall instead.
Miasma Out of Bounds It's fairly common for people to stand on top of Zephran Dungeon, Area 1 - Miasma, unintended out of bounds (OoB). But one thing that's confusing is how the map is laid out. If you wear Speed Boots and Winged Boots, jump off the stage and continue dashing in the general outward direction, you'll notice that the minimap loops itself. It is possible that we're too low to see anything, but why would the map loop on itself?
To those of you who have played this game long enough to squeeze out as much damage as possible by chaining various attacks, you know what I'm talking about.
Strong / Heavy attacks sometimes have a very long animation, and it's most noticeable when you miss one of these attacks. However, when you land a hit immediately, you'll notice that another attack can quickly be performed.
But what if the last strong attack was the fatal blow on an enemy? There wouldn't be anything to follow up on and you would continue this long animation. The answer: Weak Attacks.
By following up a successful strong attack, it's possible to cancel the remaining animation with a faster animation; Weak Attack. This is useful because runs generally have around 10 Dex, more for Archers or other passive stats in other jobs that unlock special job, gender abilities.
For example, the F-Merch [→ B] has 2 maybe 3 parts to the attack. The first being the overhead swing, followed by a hard slam into the ground. A well timed [A] can cancel this long, ground smashing animation, resetting the Strong attack counter. So more [ B ] just by pressing [A].
I would like to have other categories open for the RBO leaderboards. For now, I would only like to have F-Thief as a category, but others have mentioned M-Merch and both M and F-Aco.
As mentioned, I would personally like to have F-Thief as a category.
If anyone else would like to have other categories opened, feel free to mention them in this topic.
Weak attacks can be infinitely chained, with a small damage ramp up. Turns out, you can carry this damage to the next attack, so long as you don't miss or stop attacking for too long. As for exactly how long, I'm not sure. I can only assume it's a couple of frames.