just search up five nights at freddys on this site and you will see it is speedrunnable
but it is not pacelocked, and also FNAF is actually speedrunnable, there are strategies apparently to save time apart from not dying.
considering that it is literally a mandatory part of the game, in order to finish the game, you are just saying, lets make it so a speedrun finishes by not finishing the game... it is a game feature, just live with it
puncake1 perfectly explained why Mr. Hippo is counted
and also considering you didn't have a POV i could take down your run just as easily
because this person didn't put them in the description even though its in the rules and i told them to
Would you guys like to see a Death% category added?
It would be able to be ran in both Maze and Story mode.
Just die as fast as you can.
Tell me your opinions
Since this category is now dead, in an attempt to bring in some more runs, I have added the other worlds to these categories, this includes "The Skies" , "The Shadows" , "Spooky Summit"
not really, i did the same in Carry Me, where skips arent counted as glitches. But if you disconnect your internet to float or bug your way to the area thats a glitch.
no it ends at ladder, and if you are wondering, I retimed yours anyways to when you arrive to the top of the ladder
so you are telling me to fuck off just because i said that it isn't a good idea? seriously. Only that one person actually decided to be lazy and use it and now we all have to install systems to show we arent using a autoclicker to click at the same speed as clicking normally......
I think thats a good idea, able to meet an even
its just an inconvenience to have to install a keyboard overlay especially since my microphone doesnt pick up clicks