主题: Stray
Vermont, USADelrus72 years ago

It's just because of how the website works, nothing to do with the game itself. You can't create a category that only applies to some of the individual levels, it's all or nothing. My guess is 100% for those first few levels will just be left blank, and all the runs will be submitted to any%

Stray_Jo 喜欢这个
主题: Stray
Vermont, USADelrus72 years ago

Hey mods, just figure i'd let you know while you're setting everything up:

*Jail is missing on the level leaderboards

*there is no extra text in the category rules for unrestricted/glitchless. Maybe that's on purpose but if not I figured I'd mention it

主题: Speedrunning
Vermont, USADelrus73 years ago

Oooh check my profile, I mod a handful of games made by Sokpop where there are at most 3 runners. The games are very easy to learn, and I would love some competition / someone else working on strats!

Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Besides whether or not cursed modifiers are allowed, are there any other differences besides true and glitchless?

主题: Ikenfell
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Ah those are great points, I hadn't considered people just power-leveling prior to a chapter! Probably because I've mainly been working on chapter 1 lol.

As far as level caps, I noticed that in my first (causal) playthrough, I fought each mob exactly once (i.e. each overworld enemy sprite exactly once), and I found the difficulty to be fairly balanced. That could be a potential reference for what levels the characters might be at when each chapter begins, and so could serve as the level caps for starting each chapter.

The added difficulty of modding pre-made setups for each chapter (besides the actual programming involved!) is that there would need to be a discussion about which items and equipment and how much money you'd have at the start of each chapter. Still doable, but requires a lot more discussion.

Segmented runs are also an interesting idea. It could potentially fall into the same issues (power-leveling, item stocking, etc) unless it's specified that the segments must come from the same overall run. In other words, you run chapter one over and over until you're satisfied, then save and run chapter two over and over /from that save/ until you're satisfied, and so on. This would be easy to verify too because the exp, items, money, etc at the start of a chapter would be the same as the end of the previous chapter. And as you say, it could even be segmented from save to save rather than chapter to chapter.

And of course like you say ultimately it's a community decision, just throwing out some potential ideas on how that could work. On a different note, do you play on steam? I'd love to play on v1.0.1 as well so I can make runs in the same category as you, but I'm not sure how to change versions on steam!

主题: Ikenfell
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Hey! I'm working on routing v1.0.2. Is there any chance you could add IL's for each chapter? Would really motivate me to build up to fullgame runs. My thought would be time starts when the chapter title screen fades and time ends when the next game fades into the next chapter title screen. I have a recording of chapter one I could submit for you to see.

Looking forward to getting into this game!

faeryambi 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

I think the reason it may have come off as a bit rude is because you didn't answer the question, you /only/ spellchecked

主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Thank you for your response! Yeah I've seen that elsewhere on the forums, that the site generally doesn't want more series mods unless necessary because of the power to add games in a way that bypasses the game request submission process. To be clear, I was not requesting to become a mod of the series, just that there would be a series in the first place (presumably with no mods). Games would still be requested through the submission process, and then after acceptance would be requested to be added to the series.

Out of curiosity, what are the extra settings? And are there non-series ways of more easily findings collections of games (eg searching by tag)?

Quivico 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Also the full context of that quote is "If you don't get the notification when they are fixed (Elo is aware that they are bugged), feel free to message me on-site and I can provide you that reason." They did indeed provide that reason (a series is not required), so I didn't want to bug them for more info, and figured I'd make a thread so that anyone can answer, not just that person. My new question is why does my request fall under that category. New question, new thread, right?

主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Sorry, I actually did message them, but they only told me the "a series is not required" reason, and haven't responded since. And I wasn't sure whether to make a new thread or add to the old one since it's technically a different topic (notification bug vs reasoning behind rejection).

主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Hello, I made a request for a Sokpop series (all games made by the Sokpop Collective developers). Their games all have a similar feel and aesthetic, and are largely set in the same universe lore-wise, so its not just simply a series of games made by the same dev, they have a larger cohesion. There is also a discord community which is looking for a simple way of accessing all Sokpop speed runs. There are roughly 10 of their games already on speedrun.com, with more to be added. The rejection reason was "a series is not required".

So my questions is, what is the criteria for a series to be required, and why does Sokpop not fit it? Also, assuming this post won't change the verdict, are there other ways of easily searching all Sokpop games? I notice that mods can add tags to games (developer, publisher, genre, etc). Is there a way to search by tag maybe?

主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Hello, I placed a request to create a new series for the Sokpop games earlier today. I notice that I cannot see my request under Pending Game Requests. I don't know if maybe it's because it's a series and not a game, if so is there some other location where series requests can be seen? I have not received a notification that the request has been approved or rejected.

主题: skidlocked
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Any chance IL categories could be added? The game tracks best times for each race so there could be one for each race. There are 8 races in total: Baby Steps Downtown (short) Downtown (long) City Loop (short) City Loop (long) Oncoming Traffic City Loop 2 Around Town

主题: The Site
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

How can I have a leaderboard where, for example, one category is ranked by in game time by default, and another category is ranked by real time by default. It seems like you can only set a default ranking method for the whole leaderboard.

主题: Ginseng Hero
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

主题: Ginseng Hero
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

Hi, interested in running the game but a newb when it comes to livesplit. I activated the autosplitter and it automatically starts the timer when I begin a new game. But it's not pausing when loading. I notice in VisMajor's video there are two timers, and only one stops for loads. How do you get livesplit to do that? I messed around with the layout settings but couldn't figure it out.

主题: Finding Nemo
Vermont, USADelrus74 years ago

I notice that the full game rules state that dolpin 5.0 and above is allowed. Is the same true for IL's?

Vermont, USADelrus78 years ago

Agreed, solo lok is more likely. Where do you jump for the obo torches? Ive been trying all morning

Vermont, USADelrus78 years ago

It would be a fun misc category to beat the game using either just Tak or just Lok. I've done some routing for it, but here are the places I still haven't found a way to do solo. Maybe others will have better luck than me!

Solo Tak: ¤feathercrag- the big vine wall ¤temple of light 1- the room with three buttons ¤temple of light 2- the whole split screen section ¤casters hill 3- the multi torch area at the end, specifically the two torches on top of vine walls ¤kiro biro 2- crossing the first water gap right at the start ¤fowlers murk 1- getting the final torch that opens the portal ¤the deepwood 1+3- the sections where tak is on cannon and lok climbs vines ¤ambush grove 2- after reaching the mammoth. (if the ambush grove skip can be done solo tak, it will bypass this area) ¤ghastfall 1- getting lok on the treadmill at the end

Solo Lok: ¤temple of light 2- the whole split screen section ¤fowlers murk 1- getting the final torch that opens the portal ¤fowlers murk 2- the chicken suit section ¤the deepwood 1+3- the sections where tak is on cannon and lok climbs vines ¤ghastfall 1- getting to the sheep, and also getting tak on the treadmill at the end ¤

All other areas can be done solo, if you find something or have any questions, post here!

主题: Finding Nemo
Vermont, USADelrus79 years ago

Hmm, good question.

The issue with real time is that different consoles, having different load times, will have inherent advantages/disadvantages over each other. And considering I use ps2, you use GC, and Christme5 uses xbox, different consoles are definitely a factor.

So, although it'll be a pain to do, I think the fairest option is to make another game file with super high times. Plus since we already use in game time for any% and bonus% IL's, it would fit the pattern to have 100% use it too. And I believe the only 100% IL run on here uses in game time already?

That being said, those are just my thoughts, and since you are the only one currently with a 100% IL run, I'd say it's up to you!

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