D3 years ago

So i plan on re texturing the end (end stone, crystals, endermen, maybe the dragon) would i be allowed to re texture the dragon or would that make it an illegal texture pack for speed running because it could possibly make the dragon more visible : / Is re texturing the dragon legal or not?

D3 years ago

Bro I've been keeping track of this stuff, so far I've had 3 temples with no chests 2 strongholds without portals and 1 throne with no spawner lmao mobile sucks

D3 years ago

So I was doing this pretty good run and was in the end before 30 minutes, pretty much as soon as I got to the end my phone just started lagging so much that I couldn't even finish the run. This only happens when I record my runs. How would I prevent this? Would I have to device mirror my phone to my laptop and record with OBS?

Zanum 喜欢这个
D3 years ago

So does anyone know if there is a way of one cycling the dragon on bedrock edition? I'm assuming not because the dragon dosent perch, it just charges the center. Let me know if there is a way to one cycle or something similar

To whomever somehow got into my account fuck off
3 years ago
1 year ago