GermanyChivu4 years ago

To add on frew's post: the line skip requires a F3 input after the safehouse cutscene and while 8-Ball is talking and let me also give a very quick 2) disallow 3) indifferent, but leaning towards keeping frame limiter on from what i've seen

Now about EST and skins, mp3 files: not sure if this argument(?) will be 100% understood how I mean it, but I'm going to try to phrase what I wrote in #gta3:

Don't go out of your way to put in files before the run to willingly affect the outcome of it: only setup that should be allowed should be completely from what you get from

  • a fresh install
  • keeping, but not using game generated files from previous playthroughs (out of convenience, as adding inconvenience and going too far like deleting files in the user folder before every run may make people not want to run the game) or by choice deleting them before runs (adds inconvenience, like replays for line skip) as you can't tell from somebody's recording of just the run and is closer to a fresh install
  • ingame options (I should be for allowing the frame limiter to be off for consistency with this point I guess, but I liked the arguments I saw for keeping it on the whole time, also see the last point in this list)
  • the run itself, i mean like saving the game or replays during a run which also changes your game folder while you're ingame the whole time, no brainer imo
  • "necessary" and/or "convenient" mods (probably read as agreed on by the community) like windowers, cursor jail and everything listed in the allowed mods and fixes thread

So this is not just about the SAM strat, this is about (dis)allowing user generated files (or custom? right terms?) like mp3s and skins and I group them in the category of "modding the game" opposed to "game feature" vs all kinds of mods like scrlog or changing the handling or texture file and want to give the following example why I don't consider it the latter:

put mp3 file in -> start new game -> press F9 or scroll through radio -> allowed put replay in -> start new game -> press F3 -> not allowed

Practically, i.e. from a speedrunner's perspective, I think this is similar enough to be considered the same method even if both files are obtained by different means, but how they are obtained doesn't really matter in the end as you can easily make an archive of both types and skins and maybe much more to download for run preparation, so to me it breaks down to: put it in a game folder and get effects in the run that wouldn't be there if you follow above list. So, I'm for disallowing for both above scenarios cause I group them together and the replay example seems to be a no brainer for most. Similarly include skins which don't even require an input.

Kamiks0320, BosZz 2 其他 喜欢这个
GermanyChivu6 years ago

I found a method to advance the weather type in list with replays only:

You just need to play a replay that starts at xx:59.

In speedruns we'll do what's shown in the video: ¤press F3 F1 when it's xx:59 on the ingame clock ¤press F1 F1 to advance in the list by 1, make sure you're doing this step within the next 20ish seconds after the F3 F1 replay

another thing: you can't change the current weather with this method, you need to actually wait for the next ingame hour, so the value is increased by 1 due to the next ingame hour and then the game changes weather according to the array Nick posted

Svenir, xsharawi 5 其他 喜欢这个
GermanyChivu7 years ago


Considering the activity of any% lately, I don't see the need for an "old any%" category/leaderboard.

GermanyChivu7 years ago

I might've found a way to skip the 'save & reload' part by 'exiting the marker while taking the mission' once more after starting Vigilante. It also doesn't start a second instance of Kingdom Come (so no need to start Vigilante once more before taking another mission as shown at the end of the video below).

Problem: Gangcar Round-Up may start instead of Kingdom Come (after Vigilante) and I have no clue how to control what mission starts.

EDIT: You don't even need Vigilante after instapass in case you get Kingdom Come, because you get a "Mission failed!" during the mission start cutscene and then you will be on mission = 0 for Kingdom Come; after finishing the mission there should be no remaining instance running.

EDIT #2: new video including a "solution" to the above problem, hold Vigilante submission, then if you get Gangcar Round-Up activate Vigilante after mission cutscene to abort the mission and try again, if you see Kingdom Come immediately let go of caps lock before mission cutscene starts, then proceed to do Kingdom Come normally.

Alternatively (not in the video) it could be fine to just deathwarp if you get Gangcar Round-Up and try again. The reasons why it isn't as bad as it sounds: the phone is close to the hospital, you don't need Vigilante (and a cop car) at all and you get onmission = 0 for Kingdom Come (which can lead to an easy ED dupe for example).

domisbak 喜欢这个
GermanyChivu8 years ago

So since nobody has posted it here before and I was testing anyway... you can do Patriot Playground instapass and immediately after that Salvatore's Called a Meeting instapass without crashing, but I have no idea yet if there will be a good lineup of rampages used in an All Missions or 100% run for this to be useful.

GermanyChivu8 years ago

the first 1:30 min are the instapass, the rest is not relevant, but i cba to upload a new video

so you start chaperone, get to mission flag 0 (for example complete/fail a rampage while on chaperone, i used earleys' tool in the video), then start big'n'veiny

staying in the phone marker starts turismo and crashes the game, that's why i jump from the limo to take big'n'veiny

after that you need to destroy the van or get in the van and let the timer run out and then you can do missions (i tested chaperone) normally again

Nick007J 喜欢这个
GermanyChivu9 years ago

When I can be bothered to export all these highlights to youtube, I'm going to edit this post. Here are mostly examples blacklev was referring to with his last post (edited a # in front of the links, so the post won't be super long and filled with several embedded videos):

'touching barracks' # #

'touching grass patch' # # (with an intentional shit turn in front of the dam car) # (went behind USJ which usually gives bad dam car, but didn't here) #

I actually had even more attempts and always had a good dam car manipulation, just wanted to point out, so you don't think I don't post bad results, there were none yet. (Last night it also worked on all my 3 runs that made it to Bait).

I can also "confirm" the 'new route' doesn't seem to give good results consistently #

GermanyChivu9 years ago

I thought about getting 10 rockets at Phil's place during A Drop in the Ocean which is possible with little to no time loss depending on the car you get after Wakagashira, preferably Infernus, because it is a long drive and has the best top speed so you can even switch to the fixed Banshee spawn at Asuka's or get a Banshee for the drive in the first place. With the Stinger I usually was a little late for the last package (not getting it directly after being dropped), I guess Cheetah would lead to the same, but I took the fixed Banshee after the drive, so maybe you could just keep your Stinger/Cheetah in this case, because it's only used for one more mission anyway?

I should maybe add that you can get all the packages without a time loss even if you enter the boat a bit AFTER the timer runs out (like 1-3 seconds ?), but overall this idea would make the mission much more hectic.

I'm not sure about Liberator and Wakagashira though, maybe go to Ammunation for grenades (maybe not needed if we do Wakagashira the intended way?), uzi (also thinking about Bait here) and armor (alternatively could be picked up at Liberty Campus) during Liberator? You neither have to rampage start another mission nor go to the safehouse and you should have enough resources for the rest of the game if you get the 10 rockets afterwards, but this might cost too much time?

EDIT: This is way too slow. I can't see how duping could save time over a great ED. I won't try anymore.

GermanyChivu9 years ago

The Waka-Gashira video kinda made me want to find an Evidence Dash dupe route which would lead to the grenade strats above, so this is the best I could come up with. You need at least 2 rampages for the dupe due to the length of 'Arms Shortage', so I think taking the M16 rampage and making a replay of the Shotgun rampage is the most efficient combination (pls tell me no one has thought about this before and this post isn't redundant OpieOP ):

The important stuff is from 1:45 to 4:40, rest shows whole route from Payday for Ray until the start of Liberator:

Also notes I've made (basically the route, important part between the two -----):

  • do current any% route until 'Payday for Ray' (you should still be on a rocket rampage after starting the mission)
  • do 'Payday for Ray', don't get bribe replay after 2nd phone
  • after 3rd phone: rocket rampage should have run out by now, pick up the M16 rampage (after the phonecall just drive straight and cross the street to stay on the campus until you approach a wall, the rampage should be to your right on a grass patch)
  • after 4th phone: get replay of shotgun rampage in the park (rampage is in the south-west corner of the park, but not visible, because you're already on the M16 rampage)
  • proceed with 'Silence the Sneak' (M16 turns to grenades, so grenade strats here)
  • start 'Arms Shortage' before the timer runs out (that's the DIFFICULT part, but possible)
  • load replay to start the shotgun rampage while on the mission (this needs to be done before mission ends, i.e. before talking to Phil after the attack, in this video it's before I jump into the marker, you can still activate it earlier to be faster or just later to be safer)
  • during 'Arms Shortage': pick up rockets and you get rockets instead of a shotgun, so basically mission stays the same
  • after 'Arms Shortage': DON'T buy any weapons
  • dupe 'Evidence Dash', you will have 2 stars after activating 'Evidence Dash' a second time
  • try to get busted instead of dying, police station is much closer to Donald than hospital (in this video it took kinda long, it was the first time I've ever tried)
  • start 'Liberator' and probably go to ammunation to buy grenades for Wakagashira and one of those: ak/uzi/rifle for Liberator...

...currently working on the rest...

GermanyChivu9 years ago

Sorry, I didn't think it was relevant enough anymore after uploading it, so I decided to delete it, because what Guy explained in the last post was the only difference to Ractrot's video.

Let me just add, that it was less likely to get stuck in the air for me (still possible) than with Ractrot's setup, but it wasn't more consistent for me (mostly because it's easier to mess up the bump than mess up an actual jump), so I will still test/experiment more and (re)upload if i get it more consistently or have a better idea.

Edit: This is the setup I'm currently using:

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