主题: Speedrunning
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

If you upload individually I highly recommend compiling the videos into one for convenience and uploading them to YT separately from individual runs, or providing a timestamp table at the beginning of the YT video via annotations or in the description

TheGreatToddman 喜欢这个
主题: Deadpool
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Not that I'm aware of

主题: Talk
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

-People who run games with no one running them just to have the "world record" and make a shitty route or barely try. -People who ask for games to run. Use this site, use google, use literally anything to show that you've made an effort unless you have some super specific requirements. -RNG sucks but it baffles me when people complain about it when they're running an RPG. -Finding what would be a skip but being unable to exploit it because of some kind of progression system that renders it impossible to progress through a level without reaching a certain point or doing something. -Cool stuff not being fast stuff.

主题: Talk
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

As previously stated, splits indicate nothing. Some people don't use splits anyways when they just want to finish runs or just don't care about them. The time you claim in itself is a split anyways, so if you believe that splits demonstrate some sort of authenticity from a submission then you should also believe that the time claimed itself is a demonstration of authenticity.

ShikenNuggets 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

https://github.com/LiveSplit/LiveSplit/blob/master/LiveSplit.AutoSplitters.xml "If you implemented an Auto Splitter and want to add it to the Auto Splitters that are automatically being downloaded by LiveSplit, feel free to add it to the Auto Splitters XML. Just click the link, click the icon for modifying the file and GitHub will automatically create a fork, branch and pull request for you, which we can review and then merge in." From LiveSplit's GitHub.

LegnaX 喜欢这个
主题: Talk
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

The ending of To the Moon gave me a critical to the feels

主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

This site shouldn't be come a conglomerate for video game record keeping, just speedruns. Go with 4 or start a crowdfunder for 3.

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Magikilo has brought to my attention that the DE may have version differences that could result in what I consider significant time advantages. We may be rewording the rules but currently no changes will occur to the current any% category no matter what you run on. We have disagreed on this rewrite however and I will attempt to explain both sides:

Minimal Base Game Argument: DLC Content should not be allowed. This rule should be applied the same to all versions of the game. What I have brought up is the idea of the base game and how we consider something DLC. I believe there can be only one "base game". To me the base game is the original game, the non DE version. Some of what was DLC is packed into the DE and cannot be removed from the game like it can the original version. While it will not universally affect gameplay I believe the rules should regulate its effect on gameplay the same as they do for the original version. What I mean by this is that the DE shouldn't be allowed to have what was DLC content in the base game utilized in the run. We should disallow DLC "content", not just DLC, specifically because if we don't then we are applying the rules differently to the two versions by arbitrarily defining the base game as the minimal version of what you can obtain instead of the actual minimal version of the game.

Multiple Base Game Argument: DLC Content should be treated as add-ons specifically on a game-by-game basis. If it's provided in the version you're playing on then it's allowed. This allows you to use the class A car from the high roller pack and whatever else is packed in the DE (I don't know what is).

So we have two versions of the game and the effect of the rules, in my point of view, allow the DLC in one version but not the other because I believe there is one base game. From a different point of view because it is included in one version as the "base game" it should be allowed.

While our community is small I ask that if you understand the game well enough to speak of it that you share your opinion on this so that in the future we can have good rules to run by.

主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

I don't think bounties have ever been that big of a deal. Not much of a need to implement a feature supporting them other than maybe a new forum section for bounties. For accepting the claim, it's up to the people posting the bounty to decide on their standards. In terms of what guarantees the bounty being rewarded I think would require a third party holding funds to distribute to the claimer, which isn't something this site should get involved in for a myriad of reasons. As for payment there's plenty of payment services like paypal, venmo etc. that will transfer funds for you. Not really an issue.

主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Do whatever you want people are still going to cheat runs with and without emulators. Don't force site wide rules that tons of people don't want to or aren't going to follow. Just educate them and let them decide for themselves.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

I run Deadpool on PC. It has a weird quirk where you can only skip certain cutscenes using a controller. You can use a variety of controllers from what I've gathered, I use a PS2 controller with an adapter and for me I hit the R1 button to skip cutscenes, which will also throw a grenade if I press it outside of then.

However, I play with a mouse+kb.

So what I normally do is lay the controller on my left thigh and move my hand down to it to skip cutscenes and frantically move back to wasd to start moving. This is ghetto and annoying. Can someone help me figure out how to use some kind of software to map a skip cutscene key?

主题: Talk
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Deadpool is my favorite because of the different movement options and minimal RNG. Don't care if anyone other than me runs it, when I'm going fast I actually feel fast. More mainstream I like Fusion just because it's not super broken like Zero Mission and it's the first 2d Metroid I played to beat.

I like routing games more than anything though. There's nothing like trying to put together a puzzle like that.

主题: Speedrunning
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

I think IGT is generally the best timing method but there can be games where RTA would be a better timing method such as you mentioned for RE0. IGT I think becomes more appropriate with large load variance (I'm inclined to believe that a lot of Wiis have at least a fair amount of load variance).

If RTA can accurately reflect the skill of the players nearly the same as IGT I think it's fine to use. I'm inclined to IGT as a PC speedrunner because it tends to create a more level playing field. There's definitely a time for RTA but in general I think IGT will usually be a fairer timing method.

主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

There's many improvements that can be made to the main page but there's no huge problem at the moment. Best way to get traffic is to post on reddit and tweet about your pb, this site's primary usage is a tool for runners that helps remove the question of "is this really the wr?"

Imaproshaman WolfMerrik 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

None of those are site improvements if you want to add a game board there's a process for that.

I do agree that external boards are confusing, as is what you have implicated. The best process that I see occurring is having the communities reach out to the site with an official link if they wish to use an external tracker, and then offering a single page with a short passage that says something like:

"The majority of runners for this game have opted to use an external leaderboard to track their times. You may find it here. Post on the forum or contact the staff to have this changed."

Would be the most appropriate way of handling it. You can't force people to stop using an external leaderboard. You would also just cause more confusion in new runners who don't know where to submit their runs, as well as create inaccuracies if someone was listed as 3rd or 4th when in reality they should be 9th or 10th but the runners never submitted to one board or the other.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Just sounds annoying, any action taken on the site is quite reversible and implementing this seems like a waste of dev time

Imaproshaman, HowDenKing 2 其他 喜欢这个
主题: The Site
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

If you think this site is shit then you're a spoiled shit. It used to take SO long to find a community for an obscure game because there was no hub since SRL decided to never make itself a records hub. This site is a godsend, despite some UI gripes I have about it.

If you want to improve the site give some real feedback and be specific. No developer will ever care about your generic plzmakeitbetter complaints.

Imaproshaman 喜欢这个
主题: Speedrunning
North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

Loads exist even in console games. If it were easy we would time all runs without loads. RTA is just a convenient timing method but IGT tracked by community agreed upon rules is fine. You just have to test the timer for accuracy since a lot of them don't track menu time or slow down the time to "IG-IGT" i.e. Sleeping Dogs slows down the in-game timer when you go into slow mode and doesn't increment when in menu.

If you think RTA should be the primary timing method in PC runs where loads can be timed out...hahaha

North Carolina, USAChamploo6 years ago

I don't think it's trying to get as close as possible. When trying for it, from all the times I recall getting it, I always remember getting the good version of it at about the location where you landed; just a little bit away from the fountain with my jump hitting slow mo (I think). The car we get in the section is already decently fast, if Patsy starts to gun it like she did in the first post's vid the best option is to attempt to make her swerve into something by shooting the opposite side of the car, the set speed of of their takeoff is almost impossible to outspeed even with a class A car.

If you need a run verified DM me on Discord
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