The rules section says there is an autosplitter for this game? is there? if so, where can i find it?
where could I find an admin to contact?
I am the main mod for the game Death Road To Canada. Today I was attempting to rearrange the leader boards to make them more visually appealing and to incorporate the somewhat new game modes better. While doing this I wanted to move "normal mode" from the second tab to the first tab but I accidentally deleted the category altogether. Now there is no way for me to access these runs to move them to the newly made category. Is there a way to do that which I am not seeing? I know the runs still exist on the site because my run still shows up in my profile but when I click on it it just takes me to an empty leader board page. I know there is an audit log. Could I use that to revert back to an old version of the leader boards? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you
Just a thought but I think we should remove 3-island runs all together. In my opinion you should just do 2 or 4 island runs because 2 island is fastest and 4 island is like the full game. 3 island is kinda just there
Hello, I would like to become a moderator for the game "death road to canada". Currently there is only one mod, Jacknuafthesailor, who was last active over 2 months ago. He also only has 2 ways of contact. 1 is youtube, which he also seems inactive on as his last video was 3 months ago and has not responded to several questions in his comment section. The other is discord which I could not find him on using the username on his profile page. There is even a comment on his speedrun (on youtube) where someone asks him if he is still the moderator for this game, and he never responded.