Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit2 years ago

The 1.4 version of RimWorld will be released soon, and also a new DLC is upcoming: Biotech. I have added variables for these versions in the submission system, but community input is needed on the impact of these versions for speedrunning: Whether to allow those in the same leaderboard, whether to create new ones, whether there is a reason to forbid Biotech DLC (reasons include that it might trivialize some categories, no idea if that’s the case), and so on.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit2 years ago

ISSUE 1: Currently the site allows a subcategory to be enabled for either every single main category, or for exactly one of them. Example: On RimWorld, for most main categories it makes sense to have a selector on biome/scenario, but not for all of them. We have it currently selected for all main categories, which causes the issue that we get four separate leaderboards for every new main category. This is a suboptimal situation. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: I wish that the site rather had a checkbox list on the subcategory edit screen, so that one can choose which main categories (plural) this subcategory applies to.

ISSUE 2: A related problem is when we have a subcategory that has a loose “regular” option (no restrictions) and a stricter option such as “naked brutality” (difficult starting scenario) — and then we get a run that qualifies for the “naked brutality” subcategory, but is also a WR in the general subcategory. Our current solution is to manually submit a clone of the run for the regular subcategory, with reference to the user’s submission in the tighter subcategory. This is suboptimal. We could make separate main categories instead of using subcategories, but that would not solve the problem. Similar problem occurs on other games too. For example, sometimes a minimal% run might be also an any% WR. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: A checkbox list ­— allow moderators to choose multiple subcategories or even main categories, to which the submitted run applies.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit3 years ago

A few day ago, it was my pleasure to welcome a second member to the moderation team: @Colin_Henry. Colin is a long-time trusted member of this community, and I have every faith he will uphold the same standards I have tried to establish and uphold myself. Having more members in the moderation team generally means faster judging times. There was a span during which many submitted runs were delayed by several months before they were judged.

Now, there are sometimes runs that have to be rejected for one reason or another. It nearly always involves an accidental oversight of the category rules, by the runner. When that happens, we try to find another category that the run might be applicable for. If the run is nowhere near the top of the leaderboard, we might be even willing to overlook some mishaps. But when nothing works, we are forced to reject the run.

If this happens to you, and you feel that your run has been rejected without a valid reason, this thread is for you. Please post your appeal here, along with a link to your video (and other relevant information pertaining to your submission). This will make the moderation process more transparent and public, but it means that everyone gets to see both sides of the argument: Yours, and the moderators’.

Note that spam and off-topic posts will still be deleted at the moderators’ discretion. This thread is NOT for advertising runs, or for discussion that is other topic than that which is posted in this very post. Flaming and aggressive language is likewise prohibited. Until evidence shows otherwise, all parties of the debate are recommended to assume that an innocent mistake has been made in good faith.

M_CBL_ 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit3 years ago

On 2021-07-23, any unlisted YouTube videos from 2016 or before will be changed to private unless you manually opt-out of this change. Make sure you opt out if you submitted any records that link to an unlisted video on your channel! Otherwise those videos will become unwatchable.

Go to https://studio.youtube.com/ or https://support.google.com/youtube/contact/older_unlisted_update for more information.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit5 years ago

The RimWorld release cycle has been slower since 1.0 was released, but an announcement was just made at [[ https://ludeon.com/blog/2020/02/rimworld-1-1-available-on-unstable-steam-branch/ ]] about RimWorld version 1.1, which is currently available for beta testing.

It incorporates many usability changes, some tunings, and a heap of fixes. I added a new value for the version number variable, 1.1, but for now, unless a reason arises to do differently, we judge these runs in the same listing as 1.0 runs.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit5 years ago

It seems the autobot category has been deleted without any announcement. Bummer.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit5 years ago

Timing criteria for all categories is this (at least how I have done it):

  • Run begins exactly when the highlight on the "NEW” button, on the game-load screen, disappears for the last time.
  • Run ends exactly when the highlight on the last “NEXT” button disappears for the last time, on the screen that precedes the screen that shows the ingame timer and stamp counts etc.

Both events need to be judged frame-by-frame from the vod, and the time difference of these two events forms the official run time.

These rules ensure fair and accurate timing for runs of all categories regardless of the type of the ending.

If there is a timer visible on the video, the judge may utilize this timer to verify that the footage does not have discrepancies, but it is not used for timing the runs.

If these events are impossible to discern from the video, or the game has glitched in such manner that the highlight of the button fails to appear or to disappear, it is up to the moderator’s discretion whether the time can be deduced by some other means, such as from microphone sounds indicating mouse/keyboard actions. If the moderator is unable to judge the exact time, the run will be rejected.

The closer that the run is towards the leaderboard top or the closer the time is to other leaderboard entries, the more accurate the timing must be. For runs where the exact timing is not relevant for its position on the leaderboard, we may settle for less accurate timing (whole-second accuracy), if frame-timing turns out too difficult to determine.

Therefore, all players are instructed to make sure that your footage is good quality and that all parts of the game screen are visible at all times and that the game audio is audible at all times.

fidalgo, piboy14, DefaultGuy 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit5 years ago

Over the years there have been several submissions from people who have submitted an otherwise good run, but which have been rejected for failing to satisfy some particular criteria in the category rules. It is always sad when that happens, so please make sure you read the rules carefully.

This is the list of all reasons that submissions have been rejected so far:

  • Failed to prove that no mods were used. Solution: Go to main menu, open the mods tab, show that no mod is enabled, and then start your run.
  • Game audio is not present in the video.
  • Video is not viewable (copyright torpedo or privacy setting).
  • Run has been submitted twice.
  • Neutralize Ancient Danger: Didn’t open cryptocaskets.
  • 99 Bottles of Beer: The bottles are never selected and the message “Beer x 99” never shows on screen.

All of above have occurred more than once, except the cryptocasket one.

Some runs have been given mercy despite breaking rules:

  • Escape: Ending demo was not shown or player didn’t let the text start scrolling on its own (something it does only in an actual ending,)
  • NAD: Didn’t prove that no threats remain.
  • Didn’t prove that devmode was not used.
  • Didn’t prove that mods were not used.
  • Game audio is missing.

Mercy may be given, if the runner is reputable and/or the infraction has negligible impact to the run’s verifiability, and it is clearly an accidental lapse. However, when the infraction is about failing to perform certain actions that the category mandates, or failing to perform an action that signals the moment when the timer should be stopped, the run has to be rejected for fairness reasons. And it is terribly sad whenever that has to be done. So please do read the rules carefully before you begin your run!

Cowchy, SoynB9 2 其他 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit5 years ago

Question: Currently all “Naked Brutality” runs that are faster than existing “regular” runs are published as dual WRs, in both categories. Should “Naked Brutality” runs be exempted from the regular category?

The same also applies to Ice Sheet / Extreme Desert runs that are faster than the “regular” WR.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

I added a new subcategory today. It is similar to build%. In 100%, all colonists must escape.

Getting rid of colonists intentionally or accidentally is prohibited, to make the category meaningful (otherwise, you could just banish all colonists at the last moment and complete it like build%).

It is up to you to decide how many colonists you want. Choose wisely. With more colonists, you may get a ship built much faster, but you also need a new vacuum cryopod for each new colonist. This is an expert category!

You can leave animals and foreign prisoners behind, but you cannot leave colonists behind.

今日、新しいサブカテゴリを追加しました。build%と斉しいです。 この100%では、すべての植民者は宇宙船に乗る必要があります。人が残ることはダメです。 動物や外国人捕虜を後にしておくことができますが、植民者を後にしておくことは禁じられています。植民者を故意にまたは偶然に取り除くことは、カテゴリを意味のあるものにするために禁止されています。 取得する植民者の数は自由に選ぶことができます。 賢明に選びょう。 植民者の数が増えると、宇宙船がはるかに速く建設されるかもしれませんが、新しい植民者のたびに新しい真空クライオポッドが必要です。 これは専門家のカテゴリです!

For details, read the rules at: https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/full_game#Escape (Click 100%, click “Read rules”)

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

RimWorld 1.0 has been released by Ludeon**!** Watch the EPIC launch trailer here:

According to the release announcement at https://ludeon.com/blog/2018/10/rimworld-1-0-released/ , there are not many changes from Beta19 to version 1.0. Mostly just bugfixes.

For this reason, at Speedrun.com, this time there will not be category diversions for 1.0 and Beta19. The “Escape (Beta19)” has been renamed into just “Escape”. Remember to still mark the proper game version when submitting runs. When reading the leaderboard, you can use the Filter option if you care about version distinctions. You can also use “Show obsolete runs” filter to show runs that would be otherwise masked if the same author has submitted runs for multiple game versions.

For a short transitional period, we will still be accepting runs made on Beta19, but the window will be short (about a week or two at most); after that, all new runs must be made on version 1.0. As of now, runs made on older versions (Beta18, Alpha versions) are no longer accepted without explicit permission (you need to contact a moderator for it).

Happy speedrunning!

knewster 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

I added Mac and Linux as platforms for the game, because the game also exists for them. (I would like to rename PC to Windows, because both Linux and Windows run on PCs… But such are speedrun.com limitations.)

If your run is currently labeled as “PC” but was made on something other than Windows, please contact me.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

RimWorld version Beta19 has been released by Ludeon.

Because there are have been lots of assorted changes, I have moved the old Escape runs into a Misc category and created a new category for Beta19 escape runs.

The most important difference that comes to my mind is that Advanced components must now be built on a different bench. This affects at least build% runs. There is also a way to explicitly request a AI Core quest now.

The integration of allow-tool into the game should also affect other categories a bit, but for now I have not separated the runs for different versions in those categories. I suspect the Craft-oriented challenges may need to be separated, because the work amount for at least some craft/build tasks were changed radically.

Input and critical analysis is appreciated.

A link to the official release notice: https://ludeon.com/blog/2018/08/rimworld-beta-19-released/

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

Is nobody running 100% on this game? Surprised to find so many moderators for just one category (and so few runners).

Karma, twin0mega 2 其他 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

As of 2018-07-05, I have changed the timer-start rule common to all categories to the date. The old rule was: Timer starts when you click “Start” on the character creation page. The new rule is: Timer starts, after the map has been generated, when you click “OK” and the scenario explanation dialog disappears, before you gain control of the colonists.

The purpose of this change is to take loading times out of the equation. There is still the dilemma of loading times when caravaning though.

Consequently, I have manually updated the timings for all runs submitted to the date. The timings for each run have changed by −16…0 seconds.

This affects the following runs: https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/y675176m by @Hadryx https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/z5ojl3dy by @Hadryx https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/pm34n5qz by @kilgoar ¹ https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/z5ojw0dy by @Hadryx https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/zq36v38y by @aironne https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/ywp1qv3z by @aironne https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/zq657q5y by @EVELog https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/z13n919m by @knewster https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/zpqvn08y by @shazza https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/yjkqg23m by @murmur999 https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/z5o63kny by @EVELog https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/yvgd68oy by @ulikethisname https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/z137wq7m by @CarpathianRunner https://www.speedrun.com/RimWorld/run/zx445lgy by @Salaminer

¹) The video for this run contains non-free music, and it has eaten a copyright torpedo. As a consequence, I was unable to re-verify the run and update the timings. The run entry still has old timings. Please do not put non-free music in your videos.

In the rules, is also now a non-enforced requirement that the verification video must include game audio. The precision of timing verification for videos without audio was coarser than the precision of timings for videos with audio, which may account to an error of ±2s. There are also other validation issues with videos that do not have audio or where the game audio (both music and sound effects) are not heard.

Video starting time rule has not changed. The video must still begin before you click “New colony”, and it must still prove that you have not activated mods, and it must still prove that you have not edited the scenario.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

We are open for ideas of other categories besides escape.

Sample ideas with annotations: — ✓ Neutralize ancient danger (time ends when you have neutralized all dangers lurking inside an ancient danger enclosure, opened all the sarcofagi inside, including mechanoids and other defenses and hostile spacers) — ✓ 20 healthy prisoners (time ends when you have ≥ 20 restrained but walking-capable prisoners inside the walls of a prison, not presently carried by a colonist; wounds, infections and missing organs/limbs do not matter as long as they can walk) — ✓ Human leather hat (time ends when you finish crafting this, in any quality; purchasing or looting one does not count) — ✓ Grand gold sculpture (time ends when you finish crafting this, in any quality; purchasing one does not count, but you can acquire materials by disassembling purchased/looted goods) — ✓ Wondrously impressive room (have a “wondrously impressive” thought on any colonist on any room; time ends when this text first appears on screen in a mood modifiers listing on any character, whether colonist, prisoner, or visitor) — ✓ Devilstrand harvest (time ends when you first harvest ready-to-harvest devilstrand mushrooms) — ✓ Naked Brutality, as a sub-category — ✓ 99 bottles of beer (brew at least 99 bottles of beer; outsourced wort & beer are banned) — ⛹ Pirate the pirates (kill all pirates in a pirate colony and claim their colony) — ⛹ Pirate all pirates — ⛹ Befriend all factions (require at least three enemy/neutral factions) — ⛹ Kill a thrumbo (time ends when you first kill a trumbo) — ⚐ Build a ground-penetrating scanner (time ends when this device is connected into power grid) — ⚐ Drinking problem (time ends when a colonist has the blackout status; outsourced beer is forbidden) — ⚐ Finish all research — ⚐ Cook a lavish meal from insect meat — ⚐ Colony on pegs (replace the legs of all colonists with peg legs; banishing is forbidden; colonists must originally have natural legs) — ☹⚐ Accumulate 500 components (time ends when your stockpiles count ≥ 500 components) — ☹⛹ Just married (time ends when a marriage celebration concludes in your colony without being interrupted) — ☹⛹ Explosive breakfast (milk a boomalope)

Legend: — ✓ Approved — ⛹ Likely too RNG-heavy — ⚐ Potentially boring or too similar to another category — ? Waiting for community feedback — ☹ Rejected

What do you think?

knewster Salaminer 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

“piboy14 rejected the 3m 25s run by Bupsipop in Papers, Please - Ending 1 - PC. Reason: you can't just guess the time. Actually time it then re-submit it.”

I disagree with this. A moderator is always supposed to verify the timings and correct them if necessary (use the ⋮ menu and select “Edit run”, not “Verify run”). The timings in submission are informative only, and it is both unfair and meaningless to reject a submission with that rationale.

Funado, sladke, Bupsipop 喜欢这个
Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit6 years ago

I added a few subcategories. There is now a definer for different storytellers: Besides the Phoebe & Peaceful that most people have settled on, there is a different category for Cassandra Extreme and Randy Extreme. Use these to make the 15-minute wait at the rocket site (and the trek thereto) a bit more interesting.

There is also a definer for biome. If you choose to play in Sea Ice biome, you can select this to have your own dedicated leaderboard. Right now any other biome counts as “normal”. IMPORTANT: Check the Rules tab for more details on the restrictions to this category.

Uusimaa, FinlandBisqwit7 years ago

Let me suggest a new challenge speedrun category: Minimal stamps.

  • Primary goal: Achieve ending 18 (first possible good ending) in normal mode
  • Secondary goal: Use as few stamps as possible throughout the run.


  • The run that achieves the primary goal with fewest stamps wins.
  • In case of a tie, the run with fastest time wins.
  • Any application of a stamp to a passport or to a denial/seizure slip counts. If you stamp the passport twice, it counts as two stamps. Therefore, deny with reason counts as at least two stamps, and detain without stamps counts as zero stamps. Note that the ending screen only counts stamps applied to passports and denial/seizure slips; for verification reasons, we may choose ignore e.g. stamping your rule book or the bomb.
  • Family member deaths are permitted, as long as it does not deny the primary goal.
  • Any participation in optional game tasks is up to the inspector, as long as it does not deny the primary goal.


  • You always start game with savings of 30 credits.
  • The earliest that ending 18 can be triggered is day 29.
  • To avoid triggering ending 1, you can never skip paying the rent. Rent costs 20 credits on first three days, and then 25 credits each day. This means a minimum of 710 credits spent throughout 29 days.
  • To avoid triggering ending 2, at least 1 family member must be kept alive at all times.
  • You must pay 50 credits for two fake passports to trigger ending 18 of the game. Paying only for your own passport triggers ending 16, which constitutes a failure in terms of this challenge.
  • You can choose to adopt the niece. It nets you 60 credits, meaning fewer stamps you need to apply to stay alive. But if you choose to keep the niece alive, you must also pay an extra 25 credits for their passport. However, as soon as you have the niece, you can easily kill off the other family member and stay within budget.
  • Each booth upgrade costs 5 credits. Can a minimal stamps run afford booth upgrades?
  • You can afford two citations each day. Each citation means a stamp that accomplished nothing, so you might also want to aim for minimal citations. However, a wrongful detain also avoids the stamp, and gains you occasional extra money from Calensk, so not all citations are bad.
  • On most days, there are fixed events that happen during the processing of a certain entrant. Those days, there is a minimum number of entrants you must process. As soon as the minimum number of entrants have been processed, you can close and wait for the end of the day.
  • The cheapest way to survive until the niece arrives is to kill everyone except wife or mother-in-law. To do that, pay neither food nor heat for the first 4 days, but pay that family member’s medicine on days 3 and 4 (note that this formula does not work for the uncle or the son). Then, pay medicine on day 5, food+heat on day 6, and then alternate between food+heat and nothing on each day (begin by paying food+heat also on day 7). Continue alternating until day 24. On day 21, adopt niece. On day 24, pay niece's medicine + food, and keep alternating between doing that and paying nothing. The wife (or mil, whichever you chose) will be dead the very next day, but the niece barely survives. The total upkeep cost at the end of day 29 will be 135 credits excluding rents, or 895 credits including rents and passports.
  • Because the number of stamps trumps time, you can and should accept bribes even if that costs extra time.
  • You should detain whenever possible. A successful detain nets you five credits (+ occassional bonus) while consuming zero stamps.

Possible bribes and other nonstandard income:

  • A reward of 10 credits always on day 15 (bomb).
  • A reward of 20 credits (sharpshooter bonus) is possible on days 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, and 28.
  • A reward of 100 credits (saved Sergiu and approved Elisa) is possible on day 26.
  • A bribe of 10 credits on day 7 (Shaddy Safadi).
  • A bribe of 10 credits on day 16.
  • A bribe of 20 credits on day 17 (EZIC).
  • A bribe of 20 credits on day 20 (EZIC).
  • A bribe of 10 credits on day 21.
  • A bribe of 10 credits on day 22 (Jorji).
  • A bribe of 10 credits on day 22 (Filipe Hasse).
  • A profit of 20 credits on day 23 (sell the watch).
  • A bribe of 20 credits on day 27 (EZIC). Total bribes: 360 credits + detain bonuses. Therefore the total number of stamps you need to apply is at most (895-30-360)/5 = 101, or about 3,5 per day by average. Even less if you can detain people, but more if you get bad RNG and need to expend reason stamps.

In easy mode, you gain 20 credits of “easy mode crutch” at the end of each day, meaning that together with bribes, you never need to apply a single stamp, save for the game to progress. We don’t like easy mode.

Minimum number of entrants per day (day will never end before this entrant has been processed):

  • Day 1: 5 (no stamp for #5; minimum stamps: 4)
  • Day 2: 7 (no stamp for #7; minimum stamps: 6)
  • Day 3: 8 (no stamp for #8; minimum stamps: 7)
  • Day 4: 8 (?) (minimum stamps: 8 or 9)
  • Day 5: 9 (?) (#1 and #3 can be detained; #5, #8 and #9 can not; minimum stamps: 3)
  • Day 6: 9 (no stamp for #10 if #9 is approved; #7 can be detained; #1, #2 and #9 can not; minimum stamps: 3?)
  • Day 7: 7 (?) (#7 can be detained (but bribe pays better); #1 and #4 can not; minimum stamps: 2?)
  • Day 8: 9 (no stamp for #5; #1 and #9 can not be detained; minimum stamps: 2)
  • Day 9: 9 (?) (no stamp for #1, #4)
  • Day 10: 7 (no stamp for #1, #7)
  • Day 11: 9 (?) (no stamp for #4)
  • Day 12: 10 (no stamp for #1, #10)
  • Day 13: 8 (?) (no stamp for #3)
  • Day 14: 9 (?)
  • Day 15: 7 (?) (no stamp for #2, #3, #7)
  • Day 16: 8 (no stamp for #1, #8)
  • Day 17: 9 (?) (no stamp for #1, #3)
  • Day 18: 8 (no stamp for #8)
  • Day 19: 8 (?) (no stamp for #1 if Sergiu is alive)
  • Day 20: 4 (no stamp for #1, #3, or optionally last entrant)
  • Day 21: 8 (?) (no stamp for #8)
  • Day 22: 9 (no stamp for #1 if Sergiu is alive)
  • Day 23: 8 (?) (no stamp for #2, #8)
  • Day 24: 8 (?) (no stamp for #4)
  • Day 25: 9 (no stamp for #1 if Sergiu is alive)
  • Day 26: 8 (no stamp for #8)
  • Day 27: 9 (?) (no stamp for #1 if Sergiu is alive)
  • Day 28: 7 (no stamp for #7)
  • Day 29: 8 (?) (no stamp for #1, #8)
  • Day 30: 9 (no stamp for #1)
  • Day 31: 8 (no stamp for #2, #5, #8) ? = unverified


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