GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

I'd be hyped to see another category for 1p2c. Usually, in games where 1p2c can be advantageous, there's another leaderboard/category for it. I'd love to see 1p2c-runs on SRC for this game!

主题: The Site
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

Name: StruggleThon 2019 Venue: Onsite Dates: 30th May - 2nd June 2019 Length: 4 Days Hompegage: https://strugglethon.de/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/StruggleThon Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/germenchrestream Moderators: @BambooShadow , @RealCritical

We don't need the donation-system, only the webpage. We'll be raising funds for WEISSER RING, but we'll add that into the description by ourselves. Thanks!

GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

I read there's a revision for SML1. According to https://tcrf.net/Super_Mario_Land it seems there's mostly cosmetic stuff being fixed. Does the game revision make any difference regarding speedrunning the game?

thanks & much love bamboo

GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

there is: https://www.speedrun.com/oracle#100

to get the full inventory though, you have to link the games - that's why there's the category on the linked-page

GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

don't get confused with the routes! 1.) "old" route:

  • don't pick up the mushroom in the forest
  • get the powder from the trendy game

2.) "new" route:

  • pick up mushroom in the forest
  • turn it in at the witch's hut on your way to D2

==>once you picked up the mushrom, you can't get/pick up powder anywhere else in the game -->you first have to turn in the mushroom at the witch's hut!!!

that should solve your problem

主题: The Site
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

Name: StruggleThon 2018 (https://strugglethon.de/) Venue: Private Rooms, non-public Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/bambooshadow Date: 16. - 18. November 2018 Charity: Deutsche Krebshilfe Mods/Organizers: RealCritical and BambooShadow

主题: Terranigma
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

another german speedrunner on the leaderboard NotLikeThis

I'm sure z4t0x or some of the other guys can answer this properly, I'm only terra fanboi! (yet..)

Skipsy Zockerstu 喜欢这个
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

I still find it ridiculous that you guys allow the obviously inaccurate WiiUVC. Would be like allowing SGB1 for GameBoy runs...

Atroz, Voxelse 2 其他 喜欢这个
GermanyBambooShadow5 years ago

just a thought:

  • I felt that the accommodation fee (or whatever you call it) of 15€ / 20€ was really really cheap.
  • I wouldn't mind paying 50€ or even 100€, but seeing a little more production value on site
  • e.g.:
  • better CRTs
  • better WiFi onsite
  • more Headsets / Mics (only 2 headsets and the (really bad) hand-mic was quite akward)

Dunno how SpeedCon-Team or other participants feel about that...

Greetings bamboo

FPaul 喜欢这个
主题: Terranigma
GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

Everdrive is np!

but if you wanna run on console, you should get a japanese or US SNES Console -->to make the game run at 60Hz!

GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

I made a map: https://bit.ly/3eslm6K

...and map layers, if someone's interested: https://bit.ly/2RCL9A2

adrianus crazyapeboy 喜欢这个
GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

i think this shouldn't be missing on the leaderboards ;-)

I guess it's a 28:48 though, not a 28:46

GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

hey fellas: is there a Lufia II Discord Server?

best regards bamboo

GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

first and foremost: thank you for the amazing event! We really enjoyed ourselves in prac room, on site, running on stream, etc.... it was a blast!

having said that, the things I don't mention here were totally fine and worked for me, so there were a lot of things pretty nice and enjoyable! The things bugging me being:

1.) proper gamecapture with the appropriate aspect ratio: https://imgur.com/MVjRjiF if someone wants widescreen, they can use the GBP widescreen build-in-feature :D seems to have been the GCube-layout here (accidentally?)

2.) better / more stable wifi, especially since that's something where allegedly my tip went to ("For 2018, the focus will lie on more HD TV's and a solid WiFi network."): I have no smartphone, so I was relying to the on-site wifi (with my tablet), which did only work (really unstable) in the practice room. Inside the streaming-room I didn't get a signal at all....

3.) better CRTs in the prac room (luckily we found a solution for the streaming room :D ). I kinda could get used to the size of the 14" CRTs (though a bunch of them were really shitty, picture quality wise...), but half of them didn't support NTSC, which is detrimental to retro-speedrunners. At rush hour, we had problems finding a NTSC-CRT in the prac room at all... already seeing other folks playing their NSTC-console over a PAL-TV.. It doesn't have to be this way imo. All in all, I had the feeling that the event's emphasis was rather lying on PC-speedruns and newer hdmi-consoles than retro-console stuff...

so just get rid of those PAL CRTs... no one needs them.... it's not too hard to find decent CRTs that support NTSC.

Also since the location offered 2 rooms for practice rooms, maybe think about splitting the prac-rooms into a CRT and into a PC / HDMI-monitor-prac room (they did this at SGDQ 2017...) Talking about the second pratice room: there were no power-extensions / power-strips whatsoever, so if you didn't bring your own power-strip, rip :D luckily in the first prac room, there was enough space most of the time, so we didn't need to use the 2nd prac room.

that should be about it... now gotta catch some sleep, and thank you once again!

Z4T0X, SmaragdSL 2 其他 喜欢这个
GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

How does the ALLTP community feel towards this piece of hardware?

主题: Terranigma
GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

Herreteman going terra Kreygasm!

Herreteman 喜欢这个
GermanyBambooShadow6 years ago

mods seem to be hell lotta active in here...

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