Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago


skipping a checkpoint what the code calls a "mission" isn't enough for me to say that you're not doing the mission itself.

there is a start to cut down time if you wanna do GT then do NMG and if you really head strong about that you should be doing GT then do them in your own run, but this strat was found and should be used to get the best time we can make it to be. now if somehow this strat can be over used to skip EOTL as a whole then yes my vote would be B but that doesn't appear to be the case.

also on a side note the name of the category doesn't matter it's the rules that do. All Missions could be name " why do we run this? " and still have the same rules that are in place now so please stop this the name has to match the run yes it makes it easier to understand what the run is about but to tie it into what the rules have to be is a little dumb.

AestheticTerror, faulux 2 其他 喜欢这个
Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

I agree with reset on this issue.

If it’s not so much to ask to have a proper vote on this matter with definitions on both sides to keep GT skip ban and to allow GT skip. And encourage people to vote who are running the category and real potential runners to also vote on this matter. I think having the vote open for a week is fair for everyone to let their voice be heard and also comment why they believe in why the vote should be A or B.

A common theme that seems to happen is people who don’t run this game or people who are only interested in one of the GTA series but not the other vote on matters that don’t affect them but in turn affect other runners who enjoy running a category.

Also comments that are just there to shit talk doesn’t have any relationship to the thread at hand. A prime example of this can be found here on this thread and others and it’s outright juvenile at best. This is not a new issue by any means and we all have played a part in this behavior. Change can happen, things can and should be better.

If and when a proper vote on this happens I will gladly take part in it.

Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

besides telling you to go on discord here are the key things you was asking about..

ureadmyname strat is a good one just note the in game time of day of doing that strat as the golf carts aren't always there at all hours.

to make a replay you will want to hit F2 that will save a 30 sec replay to make it shorter replay you will want to hit F2 after a cutscene you can check your save replay by hitting F3 any vehicles that are in that replay have a more likelihood of spawning on roadways and parking lots.


the video/link made by faulux shows you how to get a car that has enough sex appeal with the jheri curl hair cut also note the in game time to make that car spawns with a saved replay. you can get that car on the mission Just Business back in LS when the Packer jumps down into the flood control when you get back control of CJ hit F2 soon after and then hit F3 to see if you have that replay.

to have the in game time right for Faulux strat start the mission Photo Opportunity between the in game time of 17 - 22. and you should be able to pull off this strat if you follow the video above.

i'm unsure the start time for the golf cart strat but look up the top 3 any% times they will have that strat in there and will help you out.

forums are a place to hold discussions and to vote on changes to the runs. quick and easy questions can be held on the GTA discord but it's not a necessary thing but a appreciated thing so the forums don't get clogged up with " useless " threads.

best of luck to you and to your runs!

Michael_Wilson 喜欢这个
Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

As you said the phone calls can be skip cause you have control of CJ.

The dupe part should be by default be ban. Reason being when you dupe a mission you're skipping pass a mission therefore you'll never watch that cutscene therefore invalid run.

accidentally skipping a cutscene is on mod description if the run is valid or not.

of course the mods have the final say in this but that is my understanding of it.

Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

rules state the following: Runs use the Real Time Attack (RTA) timing convention, which means it measures the real time that has passed from start to finish, rather than in-game time. Runs may be timed with an external timer (such as WSplit), though the timer does not have to be shown on video.

So, sadly no you cannot stop the timer and resume it upon your return and not have the time you was away not to count.

Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

I think the thread has been open well past fair to start to make some changes.

Being that most people are in a agreement in the most part of timing starting at the cutscene skip but still needs a proper vote discussing 1) pros and cons of the change. 2) vote of change, no change, 3rd option. 3) adequate time for people to cast a vote.

FPS frame limiter: on is what i've seen the most of but just like my previous comment needs a vote.

All Missions: I've made a route for this with the added BMX and NRG challenge and all city races with allowing GT skip. Although right now it's outdated but the concept remains the same and i'm sure there is a better way to optimize the route than the one I've laid out. ( can share my notes and videos on this matter )

Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

staying to the issue at hand here...

FPS limit is a fix and an issue at the same time for this speedrun. As illuminati7777 states this issue isn't as simple as it is put. The community will have to vote on a 3rd party software that'll cap the FPS ( now we are adding 3rd party stuff to limit the game of it's and the pc fullest potential. ) and then come up with the max FPS all runners can have the FPS.

But where is the cap? 60FPS? well that seems fair cause Xbox and PlayStation run the game in that level but now you're cutting down PC potential. 100FPS? well this rules out Xbox and PlayStation forever challenging PC players ( not like xbox and playstation had the chance in the first place but what I am pointing out here is that there is another issue at hand that should be discuss ) but now what if some people pc's can't reach 100FPS and now have a ground base to say that rule is unfair and only favor those who have a strong pc as the rule imply.

If there happen to be a vote on this issue I would have to vote in favor of no change in the rules. It also doesn't matter if any runner does a run streaming or not as long as it hears by the rules at play therefore it doesn't matter. We stream to entertain our viewers give us something else to do in the boring bits of the run. Earn a bit of money. and just enjoy our hobby with others. The choice to stream is up to the runner not by the rules.

EDIT: However if the is no choice but to cap the FPS I will vote for 60 FPS I myself can reach way higher than 60FPS but in the interest of fair this will have to be it but now WR seems to be unbeatable with this or any cap so where do we go from here?

Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

@KZ_FREW I vote highly against messing with the frame limiter. it just changes too much of everyone time and from my understanding the game acts every odd without that on. I think with the rules that stand that one doesn't need to mess with.

Tier4Jean Thunder 喜欢这个
Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

I’ll comment on the load bar start time that blacklev mention. From my own experience I’ve had that bar filled then fade out fast but other times slower then the time before. I don’t know know how consistent it is and how much time it takes unlike GTA 3 where you can skip the cutscene right after the load bar finishes. However I would like to see if it’s just myself who has this issue where the game sometimes takes longer to start the cutscene and if that is the case I don’t think it’ll be fair to make a WR holder reset cause the game took longer to load up and time was lost to that.

Florida, USABackmadeJay5 years ago

Topic timing start: I think this is an issue that hasn't got to much attention and i'm glad it's being talk about now.. I think the cutscene skip where the auto splitter starts should be the right "start time". Everyone has the assess to the auto splitter and it'll give a way more accurate timing for everyone. ( some runners have -0.80 "start time" when the auto splitter starts to compensate for the black screen to get control of CJ while some others do not have this. cause of that some runs are either 0.80 secs slower or faster )

Topic rules for WR: I think if we are going to make WR holders follow certain rules but all others be more relax is unfair to those who work hard to get a WR run. forcing more requirements than another runners so unfair I say have everyone follow the same rules.

Topic All Missions: This topic is bit of a double edge sword.. I think what Mhmm_FVC offer was a good one although I did not agree with the ruling with having GT skip ban in that run. My own opinion is we should add in all the city races and BMX and NRG challenge. This does add more time to a run but it makes it different than any other run that we have on the main board. With this change it'll mean a whole new clean slate to the All Missions run. What I don't want is a All Mission run that resembles a 100% run without the collectibles such as the " all assets " offer. I see the last mission " End Of The Line" having 3 checkpoints not 3 individual missions. Doing GT skip doesn't effect the ruling nor the name of the run as in other 3D GTA games allow IP and dupes in their "All Missions" why not have GT skip in SA?

Topic IL: Glad to see IL's back up for the runners who took the time to do those runs it's a shame what happen to those runs in the first place. But we live in the here and now, However I know this isn't a topic you ask for a ruling on but may I ask if the rules of the IL be better? Meaning how do we really know someone didn't put in a cheat to get a hydra? not calling anyone out for cheating please do not get me wrong!! My offer is " Start the game a fresh start using the provided save file ( that will have to be made and a new from ) time starts when starting the mission and time stops when mission is pass. " All of that must be showed in the video but given how of a mess IL was not to long ago I can fully understand if this idea being shot down.

Topic Flying: Not even going there.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

Hopefully I'm putting this in the right place.

With the new found Jizzy IP strat

So I wanted to compare the time differences between Without Completing Blood Bowl to Completing Blood Bowl.

Short story; You can save about 16 secs if you get good marker RNG but one mishap will end up costing you time. But this method can only be done one time to my knowledge. (correct me if I’m wrong)

Sorry for the lack of editing.

Tier4Jean, faulux 2 其他 喜欢这个
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago


really we need to poll for this? LS% is just a segment run if we said to add LS% wouldn't that mean to add all the segments? no it wouldn't if you like running LS% then post your run on the meme board where it belongs. can we shut down these these kind of post that seem to come around each year?

P.S polls should be held on the forum not in discord. Now who is allowed to vote i'll leave up to the mods to say who should and shouldn't vote. and when will this poll end?

ureadmyname garey. 喜欢这个
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

i'll vote for number 1.

from what i've seen the app does give a time save however if not everyone can use it i.e " Ban on Rockstar online " that give that person a unfair usage of that app. ( meaning that runner can't use it ) all runs should be on a level playing field and the app makes it unfair.

as far as the boards go I only have a T% run on there so i can't really say what should or should not be done to the runs that have the app used but i say have them grandfathered in and if it is possible the next run that runner does without the app gets put in as their new " PB " for the boards. just my input and if it's wrong or can't be done my bad. :)

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago


Anything that can change the mission flag such as dupeing anything where you can pass a mission without doing the whole mission such as Instantpasses and no 0* glitch. Those are the major glitches that are up front ban from that category. Small glitches that can save time in a mission/run are allowed. Anything that'll stop the game from working as attended is ban.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago


Just so I understand. The offer is all the missions that are on the run right now but adding in all the races and BMX and NRG challenges and allowing GT Skip?

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago


Looking over both GTA 3 and VC All Missions ( mind me though as I am that not familiar with both of those runs ) and looking that SA to have an All Missions as well that'll fit the whole 3D Trilogy. I look at the BMX and NRG challenge and think those should be in this Category you're absolutely right and of course still having the added on mission such as Zero, Caesar missions in SF, Casino heist ect. also the races in SF, LV, RTLS this would make it a real All Missions as just adding BMX and NRG isn't enough of a change.

However there is one in-differ that I share. With GTA 3 and VC there is Instantpasses to of course speed up the game and I don't recall you saying anything thing against that. The only thing I've seen is the GT Skip as you still want it ban.

While yes it holds a principle as a " dupe " however unlike any other dupe you have to do " Los Desperado " mission x2 to skip over the Gang Territories and also kills Big Smoke or better known as EOTL1. I happen to see GT Skip as a Instantpass rather than a " dupe " so that's the only thing I would change in the offer you've given. To add to that! EOTL1 is more of a " checkpoint " than a " mission " within it self as if you died on any other mission you'll have to reset the whole mission not the case on the mission " End Of The Line " that has 3 check points within one whole mission.

Given we are adding all the races and 2 challenges I think allowing GT Skip is only fair. If we wasn't adding those than GT Skip being ban would be fair.

I also looked into the schools, ammunation challenge, Chillad challenge, Trucking and Quarry non of these change the save file name ( yes everyone point and laugh at me ) I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't skipping over any " missions ".

Also what Tirean and KZ_FREW put out there isn't a bad idea as well an All Assets run will be a good run up to 100% and would really make this Leaderboard full of every kind of run SA really has to offer. Any%, No Major Glitches, All Missions, All Assets and 100% and of course what is already on the misc. will stay.

I've always held a opinion that every speedrun game should have a full board of every kind of full run there is in the game. As long as it's not so stretch where just one little change means a new list. However I can understand the hesitation of just up and adding All Assetes as hardly anyone has brought it up before until now but more I think about it more I hope to see it on the boards one day.

Both of those runs would mean new interest and routing brought to this board as NMG has already has a good Number of runners to think about running the category and adding two more would really freshen up this whole board.

Please correct me if i'm wrong on anything I've said and I don't mind hearing a other stand point the the matter of GT Skip or anything else I've mention. Other than that one thing I'm in favor of your suggestion for the All Missions category.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

so that'll kick it back to just SF/LV/RTLS racing with BMX and RNG added in as well.

what is everyone take on allowing dupes and Instantpasses?

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

would the courier(s) and vigilante count in as well? idk if they change the save file name but if anything is going to be a " bridge " to 100% this would seem the true way without doing the collectibles. now this would make this run about 8-9 hour run and this wouldn't be a category that'll do anytime soon and tbh i kinda hate that but i'm thinking what is best not what i want.

Edit: but if we where to allow these added missions i say duping and Instantpasses should be allowed back in.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

Okay. Thank you @Powdinet

the racing feels like unneeded time to do a run and it's not a consistent thing through out 3 and VC needed for AM and that rounds me back to what AM for SA is now doing Zero, Driving School, Wayne cars and Casino Heist would to me sound about " equal " to 3 and VC. if something else should be added RNG and BMX can be added too i guess, but again it feels unneeded time adding for an AM run still willing to hear the other side of this though not shutting it out by many means.

now what you said about EOTL 1 and 2 and about duping tbh i'm very open to this idea idk how others are about it and looking above " All Missions would include everything, including the street races and BMX/NRG challenges, and the GT skip ban. " it seems like this is a non duping run but again open to both ideas. and i also understand both reasons.

however i need my sleep therefore i shall visit this tomorrow when i can to see what comes about.

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