Whats up guys,
First up, amazing work to yall that are actively doing runs and lowering times. Glad to see there is actively and whenever germfood releases the full game, I'm sure it'll attract new players.
Secondly, timing runs is very difficult with a lot of retimings and playing back videos so slowly and counting frames. The rule in place is that once the screen turns fully black, the run ends. Just a thought, and would like some feedback, would you guys want 1.05 to use the old versions way of ending runs, where once it goes blackscreen talking to the manager its over, or just keep it how it is? I'm fine with either or, but I think just ending the run when the manager speaks will just be easier to time for the future.
Keep up the good work, if there are any questions feel free to message me. -Arctic
Hello Everyone,
It's been a while, but there are some big news on the horizon. Germfood, the creator for Night of the Consumers, has announced on Twitter that the full game release with be available on October 28th, and it is going to be on Steam! There is currently a wishlist tab on Steam, so be sure to add it to your wishlist when it gets released.
There is also another big thing to discuss. The latest version of 1.05 did get a small update, mainly some bug fixes and some texture overhauls, but it did slightly change the current speedrunning version. Cutscenes are now much faster than the previous patch, and the bed is now closer to the room. Because the full game release is right around the corner, I have decided that I will not make a separate category for the newest patch of 1.05, as it is still technically 1.05 to the developers eyes.
There 100% will be a new version spot when the full game drops. It won't be updated immediately, as we have to wait and see what the game offers, but until then, any newer runs for any of the main categories will get dumped into 1.05 until the Steam version releases. Here is also the link to the steam wishlist page, have fun everyone! : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1815150/NIGHT_OF_THE_CONSUMERS/
Community Update Post For 12/7/2023
Hello Everyone, this post is only focused for Remastered. The leaderboards has many new changes, as well as a returning feature. Here is a list of all the new changes.
Console separation has returned. The idea of combining them all was a dumb decision that I, Arctic Flesh, have admitted was not a smart move. That being said, in the state the game is in now, with features like deleting cutscenes and using an auto splitter, the game is primarily a PC speedrunning game, and anyone who strives to be at the top will have to run on PC.
Fountain% has been moved to Category Extensions and we now have a new main category: Experienced%. The new category is the exact same as Any% and Professional%, where you would select the Experienced difficulty when doing a run. The reason Fountain% was moved to Category Extensions is due to it feeling like a gimmick category, so it will go with all the other gimmick categories. If you completed a Fountain% run in the past, don't worry, your runs have transferred over.
All Bosses% is being revamped. The grandfather rule of the category was to wait for a cutscene to load after defeating a boss, and some bosses had weird exceptions where you can skip after finishing a fight. That concept is now removed. The new rule moving forward for All Bosses% is you have to wait for your money to be earned after finishing a boss, then you can leave the level to the next boss. THIS DOES NOT EQUAL TO IMMEDIAETLY LEAVE AFTER FINISHING A FIGHT. You have to wait for the first frames of earning cash from a boss to leave the level. This change should make the category more enjoyable and fun to play, as well as finishing runs in a speedily manner.
All runs moving forward for any main category or individual level must put down if you either used an auto splitter, removed cutscenes, or even both. All current runs as of now have both of these anotations on every run.
For PC players only, using an auto splitter is allowed for every main category and individual level.
I hope everyone is excited for these new changes. As a reminder for the community, there is likely to be a New Years Eve Ghostbusters Movie Watch Party, so if you are free, you are more than welcome to come. Now get back out there, Slimer escaped again.
-Arctic Flesh
Alright, so I don't think this is going to be a very popular opinion and I'm hoping I don't get clowned on for this, and I don't know if this discussion has been brought up before or not, but I didn't see a forum post with this.
What about a category, or maybe a category extension, where you play the whole game up until you defeat Macho Man? This could potentially get newer runners into the game without the stress of fighting Tyson. I know the expected response is probably going to be "get good" or something similar in that regard, but I wanna eventually someday speedrun this game but I am so inconsistent with trying to beat Tyson. I would like to hear other peoples' opinions on this, or if its not a good idea.
Ive been trying to speedrun this game for a while now, came close to getting maybe a 10-15 minute run. just to see id be like 3000th place on the leaderboard. Are yall just memorizing where to move your mouse or something? Watching the top players run this game is unreal to watch and makes my 10-15 min run childish.
Hello NOTC Runners,
About a week ago, version 1.05 was released. With it came with new features; new cutscenes, animations, texture sprites, your own home, multiple nights, and other stuff. With all of these new features, this leaderboard system had to be reworked. As of now, Any%, Any% Glitchless, and Fired% are all compatible for versions 0.01-0.04 and version 1.05. I didn't bother with Help% and Restock%, as they are really just gimmick categories. When you go to submit a run, another box will be displayed, where all you have to do is select which version of the game you are running on. It's also really easy to tell which version you are playing on, so if you miss it I will fix it for you. There are however some issues.
There are some bugs with both versions of the game. Players on Speedruncom and on Itchio are experiencing glitches and crashes. Game not loading in, npcs running and falling into each other, boxes stuck in the ground, etc. One runner on version 1.05 accidentally got the manager to spawn as soon as he entered the store. The creator of this game, germfood, is aware of the bugs and is going to fix them as soon as he can. With future updates, I will likely extend it with version 1.05, unless there are some massive changes.
Another issue to look over is the nights system. Yes, Night of the Consumers went FNAF on us and has five nights to complete. At the moment, there is only one night. With future nights being added, I will have to update the leaderboards yet again. There is also a new ending at the moment for version 1.05. When you finish your shift, you end back at your apartment, go to bed, and the game ends there. Here is how I am going to verify the runs, and this is for Any% and Any% Glitchless: Timer starts like normal, when you hit start at the menu. The timer now ends when you get to a full black screen when going to bed. Since there are going to be future nights, this makes the most sense for me.
I think I covered just about everything. The leaderboards for Any%, Any% Glitchless, and Fired% are now separated by which version you play. I mentioned earlier that a runner accidentally got the manager to spawn in much earlier than intended. This will go under Any%. It's unknown how it happened, so if anyone would like to glitchhunt, be my guest. If anybody would like to discuss anything or has any questions, feel free to drop them down under this post, or dm me on Discord. Good luck runners!
Hello everyone,
So a few months ago I became the supermod for a game called: NIGHT OF THE CONSUMERS [2020]. When I became the mod, I didn't expect the game to never get another update, but now it did. The update has added many things that could potentially change things.
For clarity, the version everyone played on was version 1.04, and now they added 1.05. I tried to make a variable, but it wouldn't unless it was a subcategory. I tried making it a subcategory, and then it hides itself from the leaderboards. I don't know what the last guy did, but I can't add variables to the normal Any% run. All I simply want to do is have two tabs; one for version 1.04 and one for version 1.05, across all categories. Can someone help me with this?
Hello everyone. I just wanted to comment on how impressed I am with the recent activity for this game. I was verifying a run here and there, but now its almost every day I have to submit a run. I am proud of everyone doing runs. I just want to say a few things.
Fired% has become a battle for frames. I quadruple check every run and update times accordingly. The way I count runs is the timer starts on the first frame the player is fully outside the door. If there is a frame where the door is still visible, I count that as not in the store yet. The run ends on the first frame the "Fired" screen appears. If you believe your time is wrong, I can try and double check it again, but I am one guy so forgive me.
I've updated and polished the rules for every category, as well as made Stock% and Help% easier to access.
I'm always active and happy to help any new players or experienced players alike. I've had a few people message me about their runs and I'm quick with feedback. If you submit a run, have patience, your run should appear within 24 hours. If anyone needs to message me, my discord again is ArcticFlesh#0019 or you can message me through the Speedrun page.
Once again, thank you all for the activity and congrats on everyone who have submitted runs recently :)
there is no objective. this is not a speedrun game
Hello everyone,
I'm ArcticFlesh, and I am the new moderator for this game. I don't know this community well, but rest assure I know this game well, I'm very active, and happy to help. For contact information, my discord is ArcticFlesh#0019
Maybe I'm just a casual and don't know any better, but if this is the main site to submit speedruns across almost just about every single game on the planet, why isn't every Megaman game to exist tracked here? Is this just a community decision?
Hello, so I am a moderator for the game "Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered", and we have both a Full Game Leaderboard and a Level Leaderboard. The Full Game Leaderboard is perfectly fine because each console has different loading times, but my question is for the Level Leaderboard.
The Level Leaderboard only tracks the best runs from PC players, not all platforms. How do I combine them all there?
I might run this game soon, but I wanted to ask how much better is HDD than Disc. Maybe they're the same, idk, but I have disc and mainly wanted to know whats the timesave on average?
Can I do a run on console and submit it labeled under PC? Im on Xbox and have the Xbox app to stream the game and I can get OBS on there as well.
Is there a singles category or a sub category for finishing just one of the games? Like if I beat the original super mario, can I submit that run somewhere?
What is the difference between all three categories? They all look like just completing the campaign to me, is there any difference?
There was a recent update to Rehydrated and while I'm not entirely sure what it did, I just recently beat my pb I set yesterday, but my revision number is now different from before and isn't an option yet. My new revision number is 603519 if one of the verifiers can fix this so I can submit my new run.
So I'm getting ready to start my first run on this game and I wanted to compare against the world record holder. I wanted to do a no taxi glitch run but it's only giving me the unrestricted wr. Can we possibly get a fix to Livesplit so it shows all 8 world records with half of them unrestricted and the other half no taxi?
So me and my friend were thinking about running the co-op any %, but I noticed that there is a time with loads and without loads. Obviously, since I am on Xbox, I cannot use time without loads, but is there like an easy way to time it? Or like, am I able to go back and count through it and see what it adds up to and subtract it from my time?