So as you can see, I will be returning to speedrunning soon. More specifically I will be running NG+ on December 16th from 6 pm to around 9:15 pm and I will then take the 17th to prep myself for the Any% run to take place on December 18th from 6 pm to again around 9:15 pm.
To watch me as I get an improved WR in NG+ as well as a (watchable) WR for Any% either follow the link in my profile to my Twitch account or follow this link here: Twitch.tv/DemonFoxHYPE
Hope to see you guys, gals, and others there
MysticDraekyoon 和 ROMaster2 喜欢这个
So a friend of mine suggested I try to be a mod for this game, so that's what I'm doing.
ROMaster2 喜欢这个
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