0-E oob skip
How to execute?
- Get to the room with Guttertank, Swordmachine and Virtue (3 rooms in a row)
- Climb on the design above spawn of Guttertank
- Use either slam storage or dive in any corner
- Well, that's it, you are oob Video proof:
编辑者 作者
there is an earlier oob, in the 4 cerb room, you can slam store dive and it should let you keep going out of bounds
Revamped Update is here!
Now that Hakita has made the official announcement, the update is here!! Go play it!!
The poll has been closed. Thank you all for your responses, all 189 of them!
There will be a week long submission embargo while we finish getting the rules together and to give everyone time to enjoy the update
关卡: 7-4: ...Like Antennas To Heaven
关卡: 4-4: Clair De Soleil
关卡: 1-4: Clair De Lune
关卡: 4-1: Slaves To Power