difficulty sections
1 day ago
Lombardy, Italy

i honestly thought y'all already did this but apparently don't sort by difficulty as well? i think it's a big difference cause you can just have 200 hp in harmless and take more damage to boost but can't do that in other difficulties which is why i think it should be split between harmless and violent speedruns or something like that. probably someone already talked about this but i wanna point it out again

sughrue, _a31, Eclissih 喜欢这个
United States

I think that the extra ultboosts/enemy attack speed are barely negligible differences so separating by the few seconds they would save is not worth the extra maintenance. The only major time difference is brutal bossfights but in almost all cases the speedruns would just be 2 more coinpunches before the kill. The only unique level where the strategies would have to change on any difficulty is 4-4 brutal because coinpunches become rng, but at that point its just a meme run

编辑者 作者 20 hours ago
AshleyInnit G95_7Seas 喜欢这个

This is not a good idea for one simple reason, for most runs there's optimal difficulty setting and there would be no point in making additional boards. NoMo and overwhelming majority of Any% are ran on harmless for stamina and health (for self inflicted damaging boosts), P% is ran on Violent because enemies move, attack and group up faster. No speedrunner runs harmless because they lack the ability to run on higher difficulties, it's just optimal.

That being said, there could totally be room for a new category when UKMD comes out, for P%. But making one just for brutal doesn't make much sense, even less so differentiating between lower ones.

United States

we might do something similar to the extra categories in the future just so people can easily see what difficulty a run was done on but it likely wont be separated

编辑者 作者 7 hours ago
11 months ago
Revamped Open Season

Come Speedrunners near and far! I already made this announcement in the discord but due to some issues this message was delayed.

In case you missed the incoming flood of new runs, the new boards are available to be submitted to. However to keep things from being patchlocked immediately, any tech or

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