Stepping down as moderator of The Weakest Link Speed Running Leaderboards
8 years ago
United States

Hey y'all. I know this will come as a surprise to all, but I've decided to step down as a moderator. I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and with the serious dedication of the other moderators, I feel like I wasn't living up to expectations.

Hopefully most things will stay the same in the community, but I feel like it is too much pressure to be a moderator of these leaderboards. I am super stressed with my real life and I need a break from the work environment of moderation.

Thanks everyone for the good memories and the massive community we've established here.

Jumpyluff f1 喜欢这个

Very sorry to see you go, Walkers. You've been pleasure to work with the past few months. Come back any time.

All the best.

编辑者 作者 8 years ago
Walkers 喜欢这个
Colorado, USA

I collect moderator statuses on so I can fit the bill once his termination is complete.

Walkers 喜欢这个
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发布于 8 years ago
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