Final Time Attack
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

It would be cool to see a leaderboard for the Final Time Attack. The game even keeps track of the best time for it on the Stats/Save Menu if you do it on hard or ultimate. It seems like a great way to show off combat skill and it seems like it would be easy enough to implement being a boss rush. While I wouldn’t expect it on the main leaderboard I could see it in a misc. section. There would be the concern of who would run it but since it’s short I could see lots of runs. But yeah these are my random thoughts.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Barcelona, Catalonia

Sure, a misc category for that seems fair, but it'd need at least one submitted run first, so if anyone is up for it post it in this thread (any version)

Kentucky, USA

I’d be down to do a ds and Final run for it. Maybe rules could be ultimate only since that’s how it’s recorded on the results screen. Idk I’m just throwing out ideas.

Lombardy, Italy

DS run here to open up the cathegory (with all stats pretty much maxed, missing a couple stickers, Ultimate, DS emulator): 3:26 ig time, 6:38 real time

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Here’s my attempt on Final Remix

Barcelona, Catalonia

Alright, category is set up under misc, you can go ahead and submit any times here:

I've limited it to Ultimate and Hard since Normal and Easy don't get recorded in the save menu, idk if it's worth adding them later on. No other specific rules other than showing the difficulty used (which both videos in this thread already do).

Lombardy, Italy

I just realized my time and pundit's are under real time when its actually in game time, real time sub 3 minutes would be pretty much impossible

Kentucky, USA

Well the rules state “Timing is determined by the in-game time shown at the battle results screen. You can enter that into the RTA time when submitting.“ so I think we’re good.

Barcelona, Catalonia

We're using in-game time for this, since the game already provides a timer it makes more sense to just use it, specially with centisecond precision.