Introductions & Questions
3 years ago
United States

Hello everyone,

My name is Syna Maur and I'm just starting to run the Any% category. This speedrun seems pretty technical but I think going fast could be super fun and rewarding.

I'm running on a pretty high-end PC, using Steam, so I have "/SwapInterval=1" enabled in my Launch Options. Do I need to display the FPS at all times? Also, I have the most recent version for the load remover found in rtrger's thread from a year ago. (I haven't tested if it's working, is there an easy save file before I load I could test on?)

Is there a way to constrain my mouse to the game-window in windowed mode? I hate clicking off the game and pausing it.

Is there anything else I'm missing? Do we have a discord?

Thank you in advance, and I'm excited to get to know this small community.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
United States

The steam overlay fps counter is sufficient to make sure you are at 60 fps, youll need version 1.49815 for the load remover to work, play in fullscreen if you want to constrain your mouse as Super Giant Games didn't build a robust set of options when porting this game to PC, and we had a discord before I joined but it was deleted with how little traffic it got. Good luck on your runs and hit me up if you have any specific trick questions. (also the run is pretty chill imo, fight strats are the only thing I think are actually hard)


I cannot say for certain, but while rtrger's load remover works for all (or more) versions, there might be some differences in the amount of loading times that are removed, meaning your timer would pause for longer if you use his script compared to the "old" one.

I think most of us if not everyone used the "old" script (that is implemented in LiveSplit if you select Transistor as the game) for their runs, so for consistency it would probably be the best to stick with that one. As fhnnhf mentioned, it requires a specific version to work properly, so if you're having issues with downpatching, let us know.

I'm bringing this up seeing how for my Low% runs lately, using rtrger's script I had discrepancies of 2:02 and 2:05 minutes between my real time and my real time without loads (might have had a few extra reloads which could explain the additional difference?), while with the old script I had a discrepancy of 1:47 for two runs. The sample size is not huge, hence why I cannot confirm this with certainty, but it's still worth mentioning (and maybe investigating in general). Sorry for not bringing this up earlier as I forgot posting about it before leaving for vacations.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
United States

When I tried to downpatch using the steam console it says that the depot I'm trying to pull doesn't exist anymore. Is there a more recent depot link?

United States

So steam depot through the console is kinda gone even though the infrastructure to pull depots is still there. There is a program called DepotDownloader that is not the easiest to use (requires running via cmd lines, have to plug your steam account info directly into, have to know your exact depot and manifest) but it does get around the issues with steam not providing that service officially anymore.

Rhône-Alpes, France

Hey everyone,

As fhnnhf said, Steam disabled the possibility to pull depots from its console. However, this can be re-enabled through a small patcher. Once you patch your Steam client, you can then proceed to downpatch through the console normally.

I updated the downpatching guide accordingly, adding the link to download the patcher and the few extra steps needed to re-enable the console downpatching method.

Tell me if there is anything unclear in the new version of the guide.

SynaMaur Cadarev 喜欢这个
United States

Thank you so much Murihoro! I'll let you know how it goes.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
United States

I believe it worked? Is there a quick save that's right before load that I could test it out on?


The easiest way to check is probably by loading between two (or more) profiles in different places during the game, as it will force a loading screen.

SynaMaur 喜欢这个
United States

Load remover working perfectly! I'll officially start runs as soon as I get some more practice with the skips.

Thank you everyone.

Murihoro 喜欢这个
Victoria, Australia

Hello everyone!

I'm Kass, a brand new runner from Australia and I'm very excited to start learning some Transistor!

My only two questions at this stage are:

Is there a Discord for the community? Is there a glitchless route?

Cheers, Kass

United States

Hi! To answer your questions, their was a Discord but it dissolved a while ago, and currently there is no glitchless category as most of the 'glitches' are just areas you can jump over with jaunt or imperfectly drawn combat areas. That being said, feel free to hit me up if you need anything about the run explained and I'll glady walk you through what I know.

KassXCII 喜欢这个
Victoria, Australia

Hey mate, thank you so much for the info. I'll get to work on the resources available, and reach out if I need anything more :)

United States

I'm also available via discord (SynaMaur#7096) if you have any questions and I usually speedrun on Tuesday's trying to get WR so feel free to drop by.

KassXCII 喜欢这个
Victoria, Australia

Thanks, mate! I'll definitely stop by on Tuesday (although heads up, the Twitch link in your bio is broken).

I just finished my second ever run (without load remover 'cause I haven't bother messing with that yet) with a time of 1:13:02 so next stop is definitely world record contention.

United States

That's much better than my early attempts :D I think I was still in the 1:30s for a bit and thus didn't submit runs but then again this was my first speed game!

KassXCII 喜欢这个
United States

Yooooo! 1:13:02 is a completely respectable run. With the load remover that's probably under an hour!

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