Emulator Rules
4 years ago

Emulator Rules: (These rules apply starting on January 25th, 2021) We are only accepting runs performed on the DeSmuME and Melon DS emulator (we may expand in the future)

The recording MUST Include: The full countdown before the race starts (3,2,1, GO!) Race results visible after the run. Game Sound/audio must be included and record live- Background sound and music is ok as long as the game is still audible. Runs that lag significantly more than a console run on the same track will not be accepted.

Replays will NOT be accepted for emulators, as in only recording what you get when pressing "View Replay"

DeSmuME (preferred emulator) Rules: These HUD features MUST be included, overlaid on top of the car window (not the timer screen), to be accept: Display FPS Display Frame Counter Display Lag Counter Display RTC (Use HUD Editing Mode to move them around, set font can change size of text so it is not as big, gse4x6 is the smallest I think)

One or both Input options must be included (Display Graphical Input and/or Display Input). It can be displayed anywhere on any screen. Any run uploaded prior to January 25th, 2021 can be grandfathered in for not having one of these two.

Example picture that includes all the HUD requirements can be found here: https://i.ibb.co/qJX7qJG/requirements-for-De-Smu-Me.png https://i.ibb.co/kyv0BQY/emu-menu.png

Melon DS Rules: Just has to include the fps counter at the top of the screen and have sync audio checked (both are on by default)

United Kingdom

Are runs on the DeSmuME libretro core (Retroarch) allowed? It lacks the options that are required for standalone and it has a working version on mobile, which could be a free alternative to DraStic for mobile users. BTW by the DeSmuME core, I mean the one marked as new, not the one marked as 2015.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago

Could look into it but my phone is probably too old. Could you scout out some things for me:

  1. What are all the settings does it have (does it have cheat, TAS tools, etc). If it does, how to determine that they aren't being used.

  2. From the footage, how can the emulator be spotted vs the other allowed emulators (so one knows which rules apply)

United Kingdom

I'll check into it and also you could if you wanted to as well because the pc and mobile versions of retroarch are the same.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago