Switch submissions.
1 year ago
Michigan, USA

Was thinking of playing this on the cowabunga collection for switch. Wondering if you would add Nintendo Switch to the platform list?

Michigan, USA

I have since completed a run? Should I just submit as an emulator and list switch as the emulator?

Pennsylvania, USA

Yooo, HP, sorry for the delayed response. Let me bring it up to the mods and see what's figured out. I predict that you may have to show settings to prove that the sprite flicker and other settings that change it from functioning similar to the original are not activated. For now you can go ahead and submit it and we'll go from there. Cheers!

Pennsylvania, USA

Switch has been added as a platform. Hooray!

VelCheran 喜欢这个
Michigan, USA

You’re awesome skunky. Thank you

Michigan, USA

I’m usually the only switch runner in most categories so whatever you need me to show just let me know