Moderation of The Room Three
6 years ago
Bretagne, France

Hi Rruns and BackgroundAsian,

i was wondering if you would consider me as becoming a moderator of The Room Three. I'd like to improve the leaderboard and also become part of the game's serie.

About the leaderboard, I'd like to add IGT in the leaderboard so we can rely on it instead of the Real Time Attack. In fact, RTA are quite relative to your phone's power. I have a decent phone for sure, but if we could consider IGT instead of RTA, then I would only be second in the game.

As you might not know, I'm serious in games moderation. I won't do anything that could ruin the leaderboard, and I'm always fair to people.

If you want, we can discuss about that on Discord. If you accept me as a moderator, I won't disappoint you.

Thank you for your consideration.

BGSprite 喜欢这个
United States

Hey, congratulations on beating my any% record in The Room Three. Yeah, that'll be a good idea to have you on as a moderator as I'm fairly new to moderating a leaderboard. I trust that you won't do anything unfair or malicious to the board or to any of the players. As long as Rruns is okay with it, we'd be happy to have you on board!

Regarding IGT, I agree with you there only because I'm a full time college student with not much money for a higher end phone, and that's why I haven't been doing runs for a while. By 'add IGT to the leaderboard' do you mean having it show up on the board next to the RTA time or just using IGT in place of RTA time and have the rankings be based on IGT?

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
Bretagne, France

Thanks for your answer. :-)

Well, I thought I could let RTA on the leaderboard, but add IGT aside of it and use it to get make the leaderboard. In fact, that way, I would only be second, since you have a better IGT than me.

United States

So using IGT as what determines rankings and having RTA just as supplemental info? I think that'll be okay. We'll get that going once I add you.

Bretagne, France

Cool. Thanks. I will make some changes tonight, at 10pm UTC +2. I will warn you here when it will be finished. Since you added your times in description, it will be perfect to make it right.

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
United States

I've actually already got that done pretty much as soon as I added you. I just wasn't sure how to bring the IGT column to the left of the RTA column if that's possible since that's usually the first time people look at.

Hong Kong

BackgroundAsian, would you like to join our The Room Series speedrun community discrod server?

United States

I won't be too active, but yeah I'll check it out.

发布于 6 years ago
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发布于 6 years ago
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