Suggestion to add rule about fps changing and vsync.
1 year ago

I found that warp glitch () works only on 60+ fps. After testing for 5+ hours with a bunch of setups on vsync on+60fps without results and with instant result in 1 minute after vsync off+capping fps to 75 in riva tunner, it is clear for me that this skip highly related to fps. My guess is that in current world record runner somehow changes cap of fps by changing resolution in game settings. The reason why it is works for him is probably 75Hz monitor or something else related to his pc setup. My suggestion is to permit changing fps by hotkeys (e.g. riva tuner) and playing with vsync off in glitchfull categories.

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
Soupsake PakaChan 喜欢这个

cry about it


Thank you for the information. When I did that run, I was using windows 7 with no other software, switching to windows 10 simply made it much more difficult for me to redo the run and the warp rarely works not to mention that the stairs trigger simply stopped working or is almost impossible to get it to work.

发布于 1 year ago
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